Example sentences of "[conj] pulled him " in BNC.

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1 The grooms at his home in Princes Risborough , believe it was Sefton 's spirit that pulled him through .
2 She gripped his shoulder harder and pulled him up , out of bed .
3 In the ensuing chaos , six or seven pairs of hands grabbed Ferryman and pulled him down on to his bottom .
4 Kalchu reached over to where he and Hārkini had been squabbling , picked him up by both elbows and pulled him on to his lap .
5 If you cut him up and pulled him out of your body — which is what they do — ’
6 Then a girl , too young to be his mother , rushed out of the cottage , clasped the child by the hand , and pulled him , protestingly , indoors .
7 Isobel stared at him , then laughed , drew her arm through his and pulled him towards the door .
8 They reached out and pulled him into the Ship .
9 The other man was rescued after an officer held out his truncheon and pulled him ashore .
10 And Kate 's mother had put her arm around him and pulled him towards her .
11 Pushing himself from the wall he grabbed Tommy 's jacket and pulled him along the road .
12 Jill darted forward and pulled him aside , giving his wrist a sharp slap to teach him manners .
13 Hurriedly she took a fresh grip on Adam and pulled him round the side of a broken column , out of sight .
14 Katherine took her father 's hand and pulled him towards her room .
15 Her thin lips clasped tight together , fearing any sound might betray her , she hooked her legs about him and pulled him further and further into her .
16 She held out a hand and , when he took it , heaved him upright and pulled him towards the bedroom .
17 In the house , Ellwood took the old man by the shirtfront and pulled him round in a circle , then round again , as if they were playing a manic version of Ring o' Roses .
18 He wedged his clothes into a gap between boulders above the waterline , then grabbed Carey 's feet and pulled him towards the edge .
19 Soon , however , we discovered Magwitch in the water , badly injured , and pulled him into the boat .
20 He hooked an arm around Molassi 's spitting , jerking body and pulled him off .
21 Sikes seized the boy 's collar through the window and pulled him back out into the garden .
22 Then one of the men gave a shout , seized the boy by a leg and pulled him into the hall .
23 Taking a deep breath , he grasped Mait 's arm , and pulled him away from the enhancer .
24 Dong put a supportive arm around his brother and pulled him deeper into the crowd .
25 And as he struggled to swim , the woman 's little bone hook caught in his hair and pulled him up .
26 Jimmy grabbed at Cardiff 's arm and pulled him away .
27 ‘ We 're not playing , Connelly , ’ Farrell told him and pulled him across the hot and clammy room .
28 He grabbed Joseph roughly by the shoulder as the boy peered in at the window , and pulled him away .
29 Lorton grabbed his collar and pulled him back .
30 She prised her husband 's fingers from the edge of the door and pulled him into the hall .
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