Example sentences of "[conj] appeared to have " in BNC.

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1 The remaining 16 ( 18% ) patients were referred by other hospital clinics , after inpatient episodes , or appeared to have referred themselves .
2 The statue , nearly 24 metres high on a plinth itself 12 metres high , has the large ears and nose that appeared to have been such prominent features of the great man .
3 It seemed that in no time she was forced indoors by huge raindrops that appeared to have come from nowhere .
4 She could remember the bra , it had been rather a good black lace wired Kayser Bondor , of a line that appeared to have been discontinued , as she 'd never been able to find another .
5 Under a dark pullover without elbows he was wearing a Levi shirt that appeared to have been sucked colourless by some dog .
6 The daughter told her mother and , said Mr Stevenson , that appeared to have been the last straw for her .
7 He lay there for several hours , sleeping fitfully , having occasional nightmares , trying to galvanise himself into getting up , and failing because of the absolute exhaustion that appeared to have gripped his limbs .
8 He seemed to be a lot more cheerful and appeared to have recovered from his bout of depression of the previous evening .
9 When the Australians arrived in 1989 , he seemed scarcely to be considered for the leadership , and appeared to have few advocates beyond the purlieus of Chelmsford and Colchester .
10 He also put in much of his own time and appeared to have a way of solving most problems .
11 Evidently , during the journey , Crabb told Mrs Rose something about his mission and appeared to have some misgivings about the whole affair .
12 The fact that they happened to be sites where nuclear waste was already produced , where there might be a flicker of acceptance from the local population , and appeared to have been chosen more from expediency than science , did n't seem to embarrass the already embattled industry .
13 Both had terrible head injuries , and appeared to have been killed instantly .
14 They found that the social class V mothers placed less emphasis on early training and appeared to have very casual attitudes .
15 Gascoigne threw down his bib after a practice match which his team lost 3-1 and appeared to have angry words with Zoff and assistant coach Giancarlo Oddi before team manager Maurizio Manzini was called in to mediate .
16 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
17 He was not specific and appeared to have no other projects in hand .
18 He was accompanied by his wife who was flustered and appeared to have been crying .
19 Her mascara container , like Alix 's Fluid Foundation , was rarely called upon , and appeared to have dried up .
20 The Italian press made much of the fact that the royal couple had almost no clothes , no staff and appeared to have no money .
21 The trespassers were Fawcett and partners , and appeared to have been financed by one Crackenthorpe .
22 Morton , in the cold gleam of sober day , had tended to make light of Edward 's ‘ chatter with the fillies ’ , and appeared to have nothing concrete to offer although exhorting him to ‘ keep his eyes and ears open ’ , and harping on his private means .
23 Almost all wore skirts , make up and appeared to have had their hair done especially for the benefit of the cameras .
24 ‘ He was blue in the face and appeared to have collapsed , but the vessel had carried on out to sea .
25 The image meant nothing to him , but appeared to have great significance for the shapechanger .
26 Sheriff Scott told the youths they had appeared in court on a very serious charge , but appeared to have learned from the experience .
27 Tony Blair , the shadow home secretary , attacked the Prime Minister 's approach but appeared to have common ground with Mr Clarke in a fresh approach to tackling crime .
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