Example sentences of "[conj] asked what " in BNC.

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1 When I know how a lustful man may feel towards his neighbour 's pretty young wife I can understand a leer , but if asked what it means there is nothing I can say .
2 When they were asked what the ( say ) ‘ egg ’ was ‘ really , really ’ the three-year-olds answered correctly that it was a stone , but when asked what the object ‘ looks like to your eyes ’ they also said ‘ stone ’ .
3 When asked what temperature at which this transformation would occur , Wieman commented : ‘ It depends on the density and the number of atoms in your trap , the more atoms you 've got , the higher the temperature .
4 When asked what he was doing Schmit told the engineers : ‘ Leave me alone .
5 Perhaps only because Green is the opposite of Red many people said Green when asked what party they would support in the forthcoming elections .
6 When asked what cars they preferred to drive , most named Mercedes and BMW , with one or two expressing a fondness for private aircraft .
7 They may be the dual hemispheres of cerebral comedy , but when asked what makes them funny , they replied , ‘ We do n't drink sherry and listen to Texan polkas ’ .
8 She became desperate to break into this institutional twaddle , so when asked what she thought , she agreed enthusiastically , in order to keep them quiet and terminate the interminable .
9 When asked what she wanted to be when she was a child , she admits : ‘ Probably famous , like every other kid .
10 When asked what use it was , Franklin gave the same reply as when he saw the first balloon ascent in 1783 … ’
11 When asked what to do with a running shoe , the non-exercisers said ‘ run or walk ’ while the exercisers made suggestions as diverse as hammering in nails , killing cockroaches , or putting pot plants in them .
12 According to Plutarch , when asked what Time ( Chronos ) was , Pythagoras ( sixth century BC ) replied that it was the ‘ soul ’ , or procreative element , of the universe .
13 His philosophy of management was neatly summed up in his reply when asked what he would do if he were a referee , a prospect he likened to being ‘ thrown to the lions ’ :
14 The major activity of the youths seemed to be ‘ doing nothing , , and when asked what they did on the street that was the standard reply .
15 One young refugee remembers : ‘ When asked what I wanted to be I said a doctor .
16 When asked what motivated them to undertake an MBI , 37 percent said job satisfaction and 26 percent independence .
17 Larry Gelbart , co-writer of Tootsie , when asked what he had learned from the experience of working with Hoffman , replied , ‘ Never to work with an actor who is smaller than the Oscar statuette ! ’
18 Earlier , when asked what was the most satisfactory aspect of the tour , leading player Naas Botha replied : ‘ Leaving France and moving on to England . ’
19 When asked what the problem was , her friends told me she had just been assigned to teach in a distant , rural middle school .
20 When asked what they thought of the jury system in terms of generally getting the ‘ right ’ result , 79% of the judges said ‘ good ’ or ‘ very good ’ .
21 When asked what she thinks of this , Mrs Li laughs at the quaintness of the question .
22 When asked what his biggest weakness would be he replies , with a great laugh , ‘ My record . ’
23 But Deano 's no moaner , so when asked what he most enjoyed , he said with a grin : ‘ I guess it 's good , all the travelling !
24 When asked what a woman wants , no qualities other than those in the table were mentioned by more than half our sample .
25 When asked what they like in a woman , they say they 're less interested in charm than most .
26 When asked what happened , 62% said they were touched in a sensual way ; 42% experienced someone touching their sex organs ; 33% were masturbated ; 28% were forced to show their sex organs to another person ; 25% were shown another person 's sex organs ; 24% touched another person 's sex organs ; 21% were talked to about sex in an erotic way ; 21% were shown pornographic material ; 16% took part in oral sex ; 10% were flashed at in a public place ; 5% were involved in sexual intercourse ( sometimes including anal sex ) ; and 3% were involved in kissing in a sensual way .
27 The real Mr Singleton Snr ‘ loves the film ’ although the director hesitates when asked what his mother made of it ‘ Eh , she loves it too , ’ he says , then sniggers .
28 For sociologists the question ‘ What is Sociology ? ’ frequently poses an awkward and embarrassing problem ; indeed they may feel tempted to reply ‘ History ’ , ‘ English ’ or ‘ Economics ’ when asked what they teach or study in order to simplify conversations with strangers !
29 " He will share your bed and possess your body , " Maria Candida had said when asked what it meant for a woman to give herself to her husband .
30 When asked what caused his melancholy he would refer to his dread of getting old .
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