Example sentences of "[conj] set up " in BNC.

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1 While Gainsborough was becoming enfeebled , nothing was being done outside Ealing and Independent Producers to bring on talent or set up new centres of production strength .
2 It is up to them whether they move in with Mum and Dad or set up a caravan on site until the work is finished .
3 The use of role play , incorporating previously discussed difficulties ( i.e. homework assignment session 4 ) in ‘ real ’ or set up situations provides an opportunity for testing these skills .
4 We will strengthen support for such schemes and consult about the possibility of creating a new tax incentive to encourage companies to establish or extend an ESOP or set up a co-operative .
5 Others have found it more advantageous to acquire a local bank or set up a joint venture with local banks .
6 In the past year , five electronics firms have either expanded or set up new factories in Glenrothes , creating extra work for a couple of hundred people .
7 As with all guitar noise problems , this effect is most prevalent when the amp is very loud , or set up for an overdrive sound .
8 Councils in other parts of the country also adopted the Manchester approach and appointed workers or set up a unit .
9 The fact that there was no sense of any history of lesbian and gay struggle in any of these articles made it seem incomprehensible why any council would have adopted any policy or set up any unit to serve the needs of lesbians and gays .
10 Or set up a business ?
11 But she was still slightly surprised when she found Father Barnes showing round groups of visitors , experts interested in Victorian architecture , who enthused over the baldachin , admired the Pre-Raphaelite paintings on the eight panels of the pulpit , or set up their tripods to photograph the apse , and who compared it , in confident , un-ecclesiastical tones ( surely even experts ought to lower their voices in church ) with the Cathedral of Torcello near Venice or with Blomfield 's similar basilica at Jericho in Oxford .
12 Those taking up job-release allowances must not take a job or set up in business on their own , and their employer must undertake to recruit as soon as possible a registered unemployed worker .
13 These more skilful practitioners are sometimes recruited by rival workshops , or set up workshops of their own , and there is generally a more systematic and business like approach to making and selling rugs .
14 Most countries have systems of government that are relatively modern creations , either designed after cataclysmic political events which required the setting up of entirely new institutions , or set up to meet the needs of newly created or newly independent states .
15 Grown-up sons go off on their own , grown-up daughters stay put or set up splinter groups nearby .
16 Illustrations and photographs can be maximised to full screen size if required , or set up to load as a full screen image every time instead of just half screen .
17 I mean , my mother left money for me , it 's in a trust , it gives me something , but he wo n't let me touch the rest of it or set up in anything , he 's a trustee .
18 They could have published a White Paper or set up a commission of inquiry .
19 exchange rate policy when there exist indivisibilities or set up costs of switching between different industries in the presence of a non-permanent supply of North Sea Oil .
20 Ian says we both ought to leave and either take up work as a married couple in another practice with a view of eventual partnership or set up on our own somewhere , a good long way from here , of course .
21 A US company that set up a film importing subsidiary in South Korea was subjected to intensive intimidation , including the release of snakes into cinemas to deter cinema customers .
22 Nor could jumpy Orrell cope with the efficiency of the steady , unflurried Pilgrim , the full-back , who kicked Wasps ' penalty goals besides putting in the delicate chip that set up the try for Oti .
23 It was a stupid thing , he thought , three gold baubles on springs that set up a continual motion , banging one against the other , and he kept it on his desk only to please her .
24 The reason I started writing tunes was because I could n't find tunes that set up the kind of guitar playing I wanted to do as an improviser .
25 Companies that set up their regional headquarters in Singapore are only taxed 10% on income from approved services , including trading in foreign exchange and offshore investments .
26 The Mirror rang the London firm that set up the line , Cablecom Productions .
27 The nuts and bolts of the deal have been put together cleverly to comply with the 1982 Cable Act and with the specific terms of the 1984 consent decree from Judge Harold Greene that set up the Baby Bells .
28 Derrida himself , therefore , does not in any sense abjure history ( or totality ) but rather attempts to reinscribe it by writing histories that set up supplementary figures whose logic simultaneously invokes and works against historical totalities .
29 Both originated in a split in the nationalist movement of the early 1920s about the acceptability of the 1921 treaty with Britain that set up the Irish Free State .
30 Chartering in Mexico is fraught with legal problems for the organisations that set up there .
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