Example sentences of "[conj] using the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he was selling it all off a stall or using the condoms on some young woman .
2 These are more complex isolated actions performed by only one part of the body , such as bending a knee , bringing one hand to the mouth , or using the fingers individually as in pointing , or picking up objects .
3 The feet can be washed in an oblong , straight-sided plastic household bucket filled with about six inches of warm water and a few drops of mild disinfectant , while sitting on a bathroom stool ( or using the lavatory as a seat ) .
4 When you are happy that the etch resist pattern is as required , the board can then be etched in Ferric Chloride in the usual manner in either an open tray of etchant or using the Seno GS sealed system described last month .
5 So , first doublecheck that there 's nothing you are doing or using the amp with or for that could be causing the fault .
6 Then if I want to put a bit of ‘ plate ’ or ‘ room ’ on , I 'll either put a bit on when I 'm recording it , by putting it through an effect , or using the guitar player 's FX .
7 The problem with extracting one of the sayings of Jesus or using the example of the Jerusalem Church as a model for contemporary society is that the whole of the Old Testament is neglected .
8 The system can be totally operated by spoken commands , eliminating the need for mucking about with rodents or using the keyboard .
9 The system can be totally operated by spoken commands , eliminating the need for mucking about with rodents or using the keyboard .
10 Direct processing of files organized sequentially or using the indexed sequential technique is covered in the chapters devoted to those types of organization .
11 On the other hand , the proportions of congenital abnormalities preventable by secondary and tertiary methods are estimates based on research studies of particular conditions ( for example , ad hoc epidemiological studies for measuring the effectiveness of neonatal orthopaedic screening ) , or regions ( for example , those having excellent ultrasound scanning and trained staff for diagnosing structural defects , or using the triple test for detection of Down 's syndrome ) or of expert groups ( for example , specific postnatal treatment and early paediatric surgery ) .
12 Further enhancements can be made by importing third-party graphics or using the Quatro Pro collection of clip art .
13 Even in the rich world , childbirth is between one and a half to three times as dangerous as taking the pill and nearly 11 times as dangerous as being sterilised or using the IUD , whereas early , legal abortion carries a mortality rate similar to the pill .
14 The purpose of the speed limit acts is presumably to minimise the danger to those travelling on or using the roads .
15 It should be recognised that all too often the operational design intent is not followed by those operating or using the design in practice .
16 Alternatively , if the information has already been disclosed or used , damages may be awarded against the person divulging or using the information .
17 This is concerned with aesthetic aspects and it is not sufficient that the article simply looks pretty or pleasing but the eye-appeal of the article should be such that persons acquiring or using the article do so because of the appearance of articles made to the design .
18 As well as activities such as observing , measuring , drawing , describing or using the artefact , time needs to be programmed in for creative and imaginative responses — telling the tale of a battered Victorian penny , the hands it has passed through , the articles it has bought , for instance .
19 Most clients are able to cope with answering the questions since the answers will be a matter of their personal knowledge as a result of residing or using the property they are selling .
20 In Johnson and Bloy ( Holdings ) Ltd v Wolstenholme Rink Plc [ 1989 ] IRLR 499 the Court of Appeal granted an injunction to the plaintiffs to prevent the defendant from disclosing or using the information that two specified ingredients might be used in combination in the manufacture of a drier for a printing ink and from manufacturing or arranging for the manufacture of printing inks containing therein a drier containing the two ingredients .
21 During employment the employee may damage his employer 's business in the following ways : ( a ) working for a competitor during his hours of employment ; ( b ) working for a competitor in his spare time ; ( c ) making preparations in order to compete with his employer after he has left ; ( d ) disclosing or using the employer 's business secrets ; or ( e ) failing to disclose information which may be of use to his employer and in some instances personally profiting from its use .
22 Tomorrow night plain clothes officers are expected will mix with dancers at the warehouse party , ready to catch anyone selling or using the drug Ecstasy .
23 You may have used your pitch range ( which was introduced in 15.3 ) in different ways : your pitch movements may have taken place within quite a narrow range ( narrow pitch range ) or using the full range between high and low ( wide pitch range ) ; if you did not use wide pitch range , you may have used different keys : high key ( using the upper part of your pitch range ) , mid key ( using the middle part of the range ) or low key ( the lower part ) .
24 These films showed that using the past as a mirror through which to view the present was an approach of limited value during wartime .
25 The code word for locking Germany into the alliance with France is , of course , ‘ Europe ’ , although it is far from clear that using the methods of the 1950s , strengthening the legal structure of the EC , can continue to serve their purpose , since the legal structure itself would inevitably be more and more influenced by Germany .
26 Switching to the Normal channel I would say that using the crunch option for rock solo work is a matter of taste .
27 This is made worse by the fact that using the wrong one ( such as ‘ no ’ when the keyname is expecting ‘ false ’ ) may be mistaken for ‘ true ’ .
28 I have discovered that using the water from my tank on both my indoor and outdoor plants promotes tremendous new growth — four inches on my camellia and three inches on my rubber plant .
29 We believe that using the prescribing unit to adjust practice data for factors outside the practice 's control and subsequent comparisons with family health services authority or national averages is unhelpful .
30 In the past , I have argued that using the spot price of coal on the world market as a benchmark for comparison with the British coal industry is simplistic and short-sighted .
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