Example sentences of "[conj] making it " in BNC.

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1 Other factors encouraging the development of candidal infection , or making it more difficult to cope with , are treatment with drugs containing corticosteroids or those which depress the body 's natural immunity .
2 Parents can record the intensity of the problem , for example whining and moaning as opposed to screaming , on the same chart by colouring the tick or making it bigger .
3 I mean , just leaving it to the baby , or making it dependent on the baby 's survival .
4 Whether or not all meaning can be made explicit in the text is perhaps less critical than the belief that it can and that making it so is a valid scientific enterprise .
5 Mr Johnson says : ‘ I think they like a little bit of human intervention at the final stage , rather than making it too automated . ’
6 The West has opted for letting it happen rather than making it happen
7 But erm I do n't think that the town show perhaps I was I 'm prejudiced to the fact that , that we 'll be losing money rather than making it but it was n't anything like we put on for entertainment !
8 It is best to prepare the system before starting to draft , rather than making it up as sub-divisions arise during the drafting .
9 Well it 's better than making it all up .
10 Even in England , half-inch diameter hail stones are not unknown , and these will smash canopies and ruin the surfaces , causing very expensive damage and making it a matter of luck to get out of the area and down safely .
11 But the Labour leader will move faster on indicating his preferred options for increasing the size of the national executive and making it more representative .
12 We camped upriver from the falls , stalling the leap into the chasm of some of the water by boiling it on the Trangia and making it into Earl Grey tea .
13 On the contrary he strode in , rubbing his hands and making it clear that he , too , would like a piece of venison , and he being Bodo it was not really possible to refuse him .
14 In bringing it up to date and making it profitable , he had to tread warily , for although it was made up of land and property , it was essentially about people .
15 Of course , that is what Advent is all about — God 's adventure in breaking into our history and making it ‘ his-story ’ .
16 Dexter compounds the effect by writing in the present tense , depriving the narration of even the possibility of temporal causality ( and making it read like a 290-page stage direction ) .
17 They 're opening the game up and making it more attractive to spectators . ’
18 There was no point in transforming Paris and making it easy of access for visitors if there was nothing to see or do when one got there , and so the Court was to be made open as well as brilliant .
19 Glass , however , may crystallize out or devitrify in the solid state if it 's left long enough , with myriads of tiny crystals forming and making it opaque .
20 From then until his death in 1099 at the age of fifty-six , El Cid fought a series of dazzling campaigns against the Moors , taking the fortified city of Valencia and making it an impregnable fortress against his enemies When news of his death reached the rest of Spain , men and women wept openly in the streets , tearing their clothing and lacerating their cheeks in an extravagant display of mourning .
21 The squash tail is a popular shape on the large all-round funboards , giving easy light wind handling and making it quick to plane .
22 This characterizes the prey assemblages of the three larger species of canid studied , but the bat-eared fox has only 19 per cent of the incisors in its prey assemblages lightly digested , the lowest of any of the mammals and making it equivalent to categories 1 or 2 .
23 In the process , the balance between his two purposes — making something work , and making it cheaply — often becomes confused .
24 If it is possible to use the same basic pattern for a number of guides , this has the advantage of both saving the librarian 's time and making it easier for the user to transfer search techniques from one discipline to another .
25 Sucking the wool and making it damp enhances the lanolin odour , and this keeps the cats contented and fully absorbed in their sucking and chewing .
26 If you feel very inhibited by the artificiality of the situation you will give a very inaccurate impression of the sort of person you really are , perhaps even overcompensating for nerves by being too gregarious and obvious and making it clear that you are not good at handling yourself in a social situation .
27 Reducing the emphasis on ‘ selling him up ’ and making it more possible for creditors ' claims to be met out of a debtor 's future income was one of the main objectives of the Insolvency Law Review Committee chaired by Sir Kenneth Cork which was appointed by the Government in 1977 and reported in 1982 .
28 Section C is taking the basic feel from A and making it a little busier ( this is a good technique to use over a middle 8 section in order to build it dynamically , but not lose the original direction for the song ) ; it then repeats to A and goes to the coda .
29 You have to remember that Americans only found this endemic American music in the '60s when they began listening to English groups , who were doing something really important , which was taking black music and making it louder .
30 The Scottish Institute has made an urgent plea to Government to reduce the legislative burdens on small businesses by freeing them from the obligation of a statutory audit , and making it easier for them to disincorporate .
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