Example sentences of "[conj] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If it is only — or mainly — accommodation problems which stop you repeating the year , Grandad & I would like you to know that you are welcome to live here & go to Oban High School .
2 Look for Revlon 's Innerlash Mascara ( £9.50 ) or Cil 18 Heures ' from Bourjois ( £3.79 ) which are both waterproof but easy to remove or go for the super , long-lasting Marathon Mascara ( £2.81 ) from Cover Girl which will need specific waterproof make-up remover .
3 Each side was therefore unwilling to give ground and ready to support or go to the aid of their colleagues .
4 Should he stay here or go to Europe ?
5 If my wife and I both go then the car is cheaper by £10 , but that is not a lot to pay for the increased safety of rail travel , the convenience of not having to take a car into London and indeed the fact that we can read or go to sleep on the train .
6 1 After 1 day 's absence , supervisors should phone or go to the person 's house to find out
7 Do you wan na walk home or go in the pushchair ?
8 The 15th was an obvious birdie hole but Wadkins thinned his drive and , after much deliberation , decided to lay up rather than go for the carry .
9 Females tend to disperse themselves among the males but in cases where a male has an especially good territory a female may opt to breed with him even if he already has a mate , rather than go for one without .
10 Small wonder , then , that A. J. P. Taylor 's advice was to ‘ run away to sea rather than go to a secondary modern ’ .
11 The temptation to stay alone at home and hear a favourite programme rather than go to a party is after all vividly real .
12 They are opposed to the suggestion that women with young children should stay at home rather than go to work , accept that women are still at a disadvantage when it comes to advancement at work , but they do n't think there should be more positive discrimination in women 's favour .
13 The years in Italy were followed by a couple of years in France , where his father was in charge of the BTA 's Paris office , but rather than go to school in France , Patrick was sent to Dulwich College .
14 In troubled times I go into a church and sit alone , rather than go to Mass every day . ’
15 In troubled times I go into a church and sit alone , rather than go to Mass every day . ’
16 In the only case in which a customer tried to invoke the Consumer Credit Trade Association scheme , the trader left the association rather than go to arbitration .
17 I 'd like to work with with er a good photographer , rather than go to college .
18 Erm if the Liberals wants they want to stop seventy two point six er million but they seem to do rather than go to seventy three point three which is what they want to reach , what they want to look at originally .
19 Even as a child growing up in the Fifties , she and her sister , Marlene , preferred to spend their sixpence pocket money on animal welfare classes run by a local RSPCA inspector rather than go to the cinema .
20 The hearing was told Miss Dixon was bound by a grievance procedure at the home which meant she must raise matters of concern internally rather than go to an outside body .
21 At Raeburn Place , one Scottish rugby follower revealed that he had travelled to Cardiff to watch Wales play Ireland last Saturday rather than go to Twickenham .
22 Was it the sort of chemist that erm was it the sort of chemist that you 'd go in if you 'd got something the matter with you and rather than go to the doctor , they would sort of dole out something for you ?
23 Rather than go to the school ?
24 The job analysts within E L T , are Neil Butterfield , John Dennis , Anne and Claire Nichol , and they are , in fact , if you like , a sort of second or I mean you can go to them to get advice about how to fill in the job description rather than go to your manager , or if if if you have some dispute or disagreement or whatever the job analysts can can can help in that .
25 You 're you 're proposing Tony that we do write to the bus company again and ask if the buses can come through just say through Halam rather than go down Station Lane at Edingley ?
26 He used it sometimes rather than go into the factory at Newbury .
27 The campaign comes as the government 's community care policy seeks to persuade more frail elderly people to stay in their own homes rather than go into residential care .
28 It concluded that the best graduates in these subjects tended to stay on at university rather than go into industry or teaching .
29 But you must have , you know , do n't ramble on about the same thing , right , cos , for , for , for any more than a couple of sentences , cos then , you know , you c start entering into sort of diminishing marginal returns very , very quickly on these short answer questions , what you want to , do is sort of say a sentence about as much as you can rather than go into in depth discussion about erm , any particular aspect .
30 Would it not be far less expensive to increase the Home Help service to enable people to stay at home rather than go into care ?
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