Example sentences of "[conj] no attempt " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Education is the ultimate form of skill training where no attempt is made to specify the particular purposes for which the skills might be utilised .
2 We can contrast , for example , the comparatively strict ways in which regulations under the 1986 Social Security Act instruct local authorities in the administration of housing rebates , with powers given ( originally in the 1963 Children and Young Persons Act , now in the 1980 Child Care Act ) to local authorities to make money payments , in exceptional circumstances to prevent children being taken into care , where no attempt has been made to prescribe how this should be done .
3 There was little or no attempt to denationalize the giant state monopolies thereafter .
4 Hardcore porn is openly traded in the cities and exhibited in cinemas and video shops across the country , despite experimental zoning restrictions in certain areas , yet there has been little or no attempt in the courts or the legislatures to discriminate between the greater and lesser dangers it represents .
5 By and large , the above are ‘ natural source ’ materials , with little or no attempt to balance the NPK content , and you will need to take this into account when you use them for whatever particular bias they give .
6 The middle school which both her older boys attended was a long walk from her home and made little or no attempt to involve parents .
7 However , almost exclusively , early systems have made little or no attempt to use any such knowledge beyond that of the word level ( e.g. Earnest [ 1962 ] , Eden [ 1964 ] , Sayre [ 1973 ] , Tappert [ 1984 ] ) .
8 Nonetheless , the stimuli and tasks used in dichotic listening research have been almost as varied as the number of investigations undertaken with little or no attempt at proper validation .
9 Control of public expenditure until the 1960s was highly fragmented and largely revolved around the consideration of annual estimates : there was little or no attempt to plan expenditure programmes for the medium or long term .
10 In their search for fingerprints , the detectives had been liberal in their use of grey aluminium powder and little or no attempt had been made to remove it .
11 More significantly , perhaps , it also means that no attempt may be made in the course of a prosecution to determine that in their investigations the authorities have committed one or more criminal offences .
12 Furthermore , even where valid structures have been drilled , rocks of poor reservoir quality have been found but this my be due to the fact that no attempt has been made to select the structures with the best reservoir potential .
13 In the light of the misunderstandings and bitterness which can affect all the parties involved in an industrial dispute , it is perhaps regrettable that no attempt has been made adequately to define the legal rights of workers involved in such disputes .
14 I felt that no attempt was being made to arrive at an analysis of our situation based on the specificity of our experience as lesbians and gays .
15 The Court was surprised that those suggestions should have been made , and the Court owed it to its members and to all concerned to make it clear that no attempt had been made by anyone directly or indirectly , otherwise than in open court , to influence its decision .
16 But I ca n't help feeling that this is strictly a US product and that no attempt has been made to localize it for UK or European markets .
17 At this stage you will notice that no attempt has been made to count the words as it was not possible to use the macro record facility for this operation .
18 was flashed to all mobile units across the city — with the added instruction that no attempt was to be made to stop the car while the driver 's life was being threatened .
19 Tell the plaintiff that the doctor will be keen to detect signs of malingering and that no attempt to exaggerate the plaintiff 's symptoms should be made .
20 User education in individual higher education libraries can change enormously from year to year so no attempt is made to describe current activity comprehensively .
21 and no attempt at fancy throwing .
22 There must be no lecturing to those who are hardest hit and no attempt to suggest that a fuss is being made about nothing .
23 There were very few Black or gay workers involved in it , and no attempt was made to recruit new members .
24 There have been no changes to the laws under which human rights violations are perpetrated and no attempt to introduce fundamental safeguards to prevent certain violations , such as the use of torture to extract confessions .
25 The studio could see that labour-management relations were not a suitable theme for feature films and no attempt was ever made to repeat this particular experiment .
26 A prince 's treatment of his fideles was not susceptible to rules of impersonal and eternal justice ; and no attempt was yet made to make it so ( see p. 349 ) .
27 The literature on the distribution of earnings is massive and no attempt will be made here either to summarise or evaluate it .
28 Good discussions of these and others may be found in various textbooks , notably Downes 1984 ( chapter 6 ) , and no attempt will be made here to duplicate this material .
29 Andropov set out his general approach to such matters in a speech in the spring of 1983 in which he emphasised that the Soviet Union was ‘ only at the beginning ’ of the long historical stage of developed socialism ; there must be no exaggeration of the country 's closeness to communism , and no attempt to minimise the difficulties that lay ahead Discussing the party programme more directly , Andropov told the Central Committee in June 1983 that many of its directives had in fact been realised : links between citizens and deputies , for instance , had become closer , and national discussion of major items of legislation had become a well-established practice .
30 In the latter case judgements are always made on the student 's overall profile of achievements and no attempt is made to alter marks on modules to produce artificially a higher average .
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