Example sentences of "[conj] we 'd " in BNC.

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1 I walked where we 'd gone , the others following .
2 The ridge seems massive from the road , and when we tried to tell our driver where we 'd been , he grunted in disbelief .
3 But he was sitting where we 'd left him beside an empty biscuit tin .
4 With hindsight , I should have said ‘ Hallo ’ and then , if necessary , reminded him where we 'd previously met .
5 Tom and Terry , but especially Terry , wanted to know everything about us immediately : where we 'd been to school ; what we 'd studied ; the history of the British constitution , or lack of it from an American point of view ; what the real situation was in Ireland ; why did n't Brian hit me when I responded to a proffered cigarette with , ‘ Fuck off out of my life , you wheedling Irish bastard ’ ?
6 We took up our time-killing almost where we 'd left off .
7 I could have forgotten all the times we had enjoyed together , where we 'd been , what we 'd done ?
8 Our next destination was the West Coast and we stopped first at Arthur 's Pass , where we 'd been invited to stay in a tramping hut but it was under repair , so we stayed in a backpackers ' .
9 Just after eleven , more people began to arrive as the pubs chucked out and so Dosh and I ( or maybe it was Freddie ) moved upstairs where we 'd found another front room which had been stripped of furniture and somebody had run a pair of extra speakers off the disco in the lounge .
10 ‘ If anything had happened to your precious boat , or we 'd both drowned , you 'd never have let me forget — ’ Her voice trailed off as she recognised the absurdity of what she was saying .
11 Well we do or we 'd , it had already been envisaged that er the jaguars would run out at er roughly that time .
12 Although we 'd been unbelievably disheartened by it all with Peter , ’ continues John , ‘ that was how things were .
13 Actually we were n't too happy with the back of the old barn , because although we 'd tried to plug up every hole in the stonework , it was still possible for a determined young owl to squeeze out here and there .
14 Two Spanish climbers above us were working on the overhanging 6b pitches and although we 'd been told you could aid the whole section it was obvious from the stance that the bolts were too far apart .
15 Although we 'd been left pretty much to our own devices in the last months in the Pit , the year and a half underground had become increasingly depressing .
16 Our mission was to take back from the Boche those few miles of battered ground that we 'd bought with half a million lives in those Battles of the Somme , two years before .
17 He was obviously peeved that we 'd squared it with the music teacher while he did n't know anything about it .
18 But I cooled him out and he agreed to come along to a new rehearsal place that we 'd found , The Rose And Crown in Wandsworth .
19 Before he came along we 'd mess around with songs like ‘ Build Me Up Buttercup ’ , with me fiddling around on a little clavinet that we 'd found knocking around somewhere and Steve singing .
20 As our pick-up ti me approached we mustered under our patrol commander and soon moved back to base , tired but satisfied that we 'd done a good job .
21 Then , at , the news that we 'd all worked so hard for .
22 I was afraid it might come out that we 'd got a cut as well .
23 When we realised that we 'd missed our flight to London from Antigua , my friend said , ‘ Let's find where Jean Rhys lived .
24 The weeds that we 'd uprooted in the morning were shrivelled and brown ; the earth looked as if nothing had ever lived in it .
25 Not that we 'd actually fallen out , but I 'd walked away to check the markers and I had 127 to the hole and Lee said it was 147 — and that 's a difference between an eight and a seven — so I said , ‘ You got it wrong . ’
26 That low , dishonest decade was when we broke free of our parents , banished the Fifties , discovered that we 'd missed the Sixties , and tried to make the best of it with an orgy of revolting clothes , tasteless music and formless anomie .
27 ‘ It was very hard work in many ways ’ , he told me in February 1985 , ‘ and the fact that we 'd been thirteen years [ in Opposition ] meant that most of them , almost all of them , had no experience at all in government .
28 The men paused in their tracks , locating the sound , and within seconds we were hurrying back to a place that we 'd passed where the sheer slope of the mountain was broken only by the deep rift of a water-course .
29 The officer there apologised in excellent English as I tersely explained that we 'd already paid .
30 I think we were near deluding ourselves that Harry had never happened , that we 'd done it all ourselves .
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