Example sentences of "[conj] she probably " in BNC.

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1 Clare has seen it , although she probably has n't had time to read it fully .
2 Although she probably forgot me before I even reached the corridor , that smile was worth Sir Henry Morgan 's fortune .
3 If D set out to trick V into having sex , realising that she probably would not consent otherwise , are not his intention and his method sufficient to condemn him for rape , as they would be for obtaining property by deception ?
4 The fact that she spoke halting Danish and fluent German and held a British passport led him to conclude that she probably knew the island before World War II .
5 ‘ Just one letter in which she said , among other things , that she probably would n't be in touch again .
6 It was a dismal yet necessary task , and whilst one can imagine a young woman 's producing such items for herself and her future husband , it is more difficult for us to accept that she probably also fashioned one or two smaller versions at the same time , for infant mortality was high .
7 But something told her that she probably did not .
8 Amanda said she loved the live show , that Sandra was n't particularly attractive but had a great body and showed what good hair and good clothes could do , and then , in an off-hand comment that she probably regretted almost immediately , declared that if she was ever to sleep with a woman , it would be Sandra .
9 I accept that she probably became pregnant while she was working here , but I can assure you that no one in this house was responsible .
10 The woman explains that she probably still has , though she understood they were being paid off and the rent was paid direct through the DHSS .
11 her lips curled in a smile , and Patrick wondered if she knew what effect she was having on him — and then realized that she probably did .
12 Now I know that she probably would have done .
13 What the evidence does show is that he was genuinely fond of his new wife and that she probably died of a heart attack .
14 On the whole she reckoned that she probably did .
15 Eventually Angel came to believe that she probably had killed d'Urberville .
16 She was compelled by an urge to attempt to hurt him , simply because she herself was hurting , but she was angrily aware that she probably could n't succeed , because without love , there could be no hurt .
17 Five minutes later , without giving herself time to think , be disappointed that she probably would n't see him again after today , she ran lightly down the stairs and out through the front door .
18 I imagine , from what I know of life in Bom Jesus , that she probably thought of herself as fraca ( physically weak ) or fraca de juízo ( mentally weak ) and prone to ataque de nervos ( nervous attacks ) .
19 Maybe the reason for this was that she was vindictively happy not to do anything , and it is the opinion of my sergeant here that she probably hated her husband almost as intensely as the murderer himself did .
20 So she probably did n't vanish voluntarily , ’ Catherine Crane said , in summary .
21 She told him to call her Sheila , so she probably fancied him .
22 She could n't take out her anger on you , so she probably instructed Lee to make Joe an example … "
23 this week , cos she 's a , a bit pre-occupied with her holiday things , so she probably wo n't .
24 Then she 's always late , is n't she , so she probably would n't .
25 Constanze 's next confinement was close and she probably wanted to get home .
26 Edith 's in love with her husband but it 's a boring love , nothing exciting ever happens and she probably goes to bingo .
27 ‘ I do n't suppose ‘ Mrs Smith ’ is the first woman with whom Garry has deceived his wife , and she probably wo n't be the last , ’ she said , her desire for him disappearing at the contempt in his tone .
28 And she probably would n't be far off the mark either , Rory realised grimly .
29 It caught her straight across the neck and she probably owes her life to the fact that the drainpipe snapped .
30 I do n't think they realize do they , and , and she probably thinks oh her mum 's down the street , she knows she 's gon na come back , you know , she 's alright , she 's alright and does n't mat
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