Example sentences of "[conj] are taking " in BNC.

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1 There has been a conspiracy of silence between the nuclear industry and the Government on providing information about the contracts that Dounreay has signed and about the discussions and negotiations that have taken place or are taking place with foreign reactors .
2 Unlike classical behaviourists , functionalists believe that is not possible to explain intelligent behaviour unless we make reference to processes that are taking place inside a person 's head .
3 No one need quarrel with the improvements that are taking place in these directions . ’
4 It 's vital that everyone has a sense of belonging to the school and is kept fully informed of events that are taking place .
5 The understanding of demographic trends and contemporary family patterns , the changes that are taking place and the implications for policy and practice .
6 In order to understand the nature of the changes that are taking place following the Education Reform Act 1988 , and in particular the changing role of the local education authority , it is important to reflect briefly on the nature of relationships which have been established over many years .
7 This type of alteration in the appearance of the eye goes on all day , as the animal moves from light to shade and back again , and it is so common a shift that it tends to obscure the other pupil changes that are taking place .
8 Eventually though , as you learn to trust the changes that are taking place , you will realize the real challenge is to learn how to be truly happy again .
9 It 's our crowd that are taking the risks still .
10 After a roof-top walkabout on the terraces we viewed ‘ Towards 2000 ’ a promotional video describing the dramatic changes that are taking place at the £500m investment site of Terminal 2 , part of a complex that employs over 10,000 people ( 30,000 projected for the year 2005 ) and is set to expand with a second runway taking it from a regional role into the top 20 of world airports .
11 The changes that are taking place , especially in relation to bus passengers , are wide and varied and are becoming more important as each week goes by .
12 Given all the momentous developments in the environmental sphere that are taking place on the world stage , with which I 'm sure you are involved , I hope you wo n't mind me asking for help over an irritating little problem which is nonetheless of importance to UK environment groups .
13 Is he carefully watching the changes that are taking place to ensure that the number of patients per doctor conforms with the ability to supply a good service ?
14 Will he join me today in thanking the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi for his recent proposals which form part of the crucial negotiations that are taking place ?
15 Is he not worried about the rising scale of explosions and the rising tide of murders that are taking place ?
16 In view of the importance of signalling and telecommunications to the railways , would it not be sensible quietly to contemplate the proposition of an independent inquiry into all the technological changes that are taking place on British Rail signalling ?
17 I passionately favour the increased co-operation within the European Community and the developments that are taking place .
18 Er , the other motion is of course pointing to so many of the changes that are taking place in our industrial society which prompt us into building a new union .
19 There is a need , more than ever , with many changes that are taking place , for information to be provided quickly and effectively , delivering to the point and value to our members .
20 One part of the answer has nothing to do with technology in itself but in the structural changes that are taking place in European societies .
21 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
22 Fifthly , a location northeast of York for important reasons that have already been identified , will minimize the impact upon would minimize the impact of the new development upon the West Yorkshire conurbation and the objectives of urban regeneration that are taking place there .
23 I presume a committee here will decide and sit as to which land shall have dag , drag hunting and the er the land the tenant will have no rights in that at all and if you 're thinking you can control horses that are taking part in a drag hunt any more than you can control horses taking part in a fox hunt , you 've got to have another think .
24 I would also like to erm ask that erm that we do have everything we can to ensure that where this council has the possibility as erm landowner or property owner or whatever that we prevent or certainly discourage the use of such property for car boot sales and I had in mind sales that are taking place based on erm education property and in the case of Hatfield we were able to persuade the relevant authorities to er cause the car boot sale to cease but that particular car boot sale was causing great damage to the legitimate traders in both the Hatfield market and the Hatfield town centre .
25 Do not become too paranoid as any changes that are taking place will work to your benefit .
26 ‘ The Labour group wants to take a reasoned , properly considered approach to the momentous events that are taking place in South Africa , ’ he said .
27 But like I said , I think kids an that are taking it so
28 The investment bankers that bought Wickes last November have already sold more than $400m in assets and are taking it private .
29 they are between jobs and are taking time to search for the most appropriate job with the highest wage ( search unemployment ) ;
30 The board was supplied by the organising committee and team manager Cliff Norbury said : ‘ We regard this decision as unsatisfactory and are taking the matter further .
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