Example sentences of "[conj] are called " in BNC.

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1 Before we leave this topic , with some doubtless well-received witticisms about the American ateliers that are called Schools of Creative Writing , let us ask ourselves how an artistic tradition is transmitted from generation to generation in England , if it is not transmitted in the way that Pound took for granted .
2 There is no correlation at all between the number of types of relatives that are called by the same word and the number of legitimate sexual partners in marriage .
3 Interest has centred on the role of two small groups of cells , one on either side of the brain , that are called the suprachiasmatic nuclei ( SCN ) .
4 There are also thousands upon thousands of close and interdependent relationships between species , and these are the kind that are called symbiotic .
5 It is at work in all relationships that are called symbiotic — for instance the ants milking their aphid ‘ cattle ’ ( page 181 ) .
6 ‘ We have some clients that are called mildly muddled who are perfectly capable of going out and may get lost , but that 's an assessed risk .
7 Look at the fears/wishes that are called up in ‘ Fitcher 's Bird ’ : the fear of being enchanted , of having one 's own will overcome by that of another ; the fear of being punished for one 's curiosity , one 's will-to-know ; the fear of being locked forever in the bloody chamber .
8 Apart from those exercise classes that are called " Aerobics ' , there are many other forms of exercise that qualify .
9 Herodotus gave two ultimately contradictory reasons for spending so much of his time on it , first that " the Egyptians in most of their manners and customs exactly reverse the common practice of mankind " ( 2.35 ) , and secondly that the Greeks derived so many of their religious and scientific notions from the Egyptians that even those " that are called followers of Orpheus and of Bacchus are in truth followers of the Egyptians and of Pythagoras " ( 2.81 ) .
10 If qualification is hard to define , it is because it is one of the fundamental notions that are called on in building linguistic structures ; it is one member of a subsystem which in its essence will actually reduce to three terms : qualification , equation ( on which see Section 1.7 ) , and absence of relation .
11 And the more poor little Britain takes a battering , the more bombs that are called down on the wreck of London , the sooner it will be .
12 The kind of inferences that are called implicatures are always of this special intended kind , and the theory of implicature sketches one way in which such inferences , of a non-conventional sort , can be conveyed while meeting the criterion of communicated messages sketched in Grice 's theory of meaning-nn .
13 The , is one of the most common words in English and , to set up , the , all the time , would be very time consuming , and so this symbol was obviously available to the printer and obviously what it spells out is ye , which you now know from pubs that are called things like Ye Olde erm , Hen , and and that sort of thing .
14 And those forget-me-nots that are called blue ball and are supposed to have brilliant blue flowers , they 're coming out with erm tiny pinkey , purpley flowers .
15 Children who have been integrated into mainstream schools can return at any time for help and are called back at six-monthly intervals for checks .
16 Most occupational schemes pay a proportion of your earnings when you retire and are called final earnings schemes .
17 Left-handed shells are sometimes found produced in this way and are called ultradextral or hyperstrophic ( and no doubt left-handed mutations of L. peregra are also found looking like normal righthanded snails ; hyperstrophic also but now ultrasinistral ) .
18 Some part of an organism 's chromosomes have a high rate of turnover of genes , and are called ‘ hot spots ’ which locally have a very high mutation rate .
19 Private agencies deal with temporary and permanent employment and are called Vikarbureauer .
20 The colours are bright and are called fluorescent to distinguish them from the normal opaque colours in the usual felt-tip pens .
21 A greater proportion of the mare rocks resemble basalts on the Earth and are called mare basalts .
22 These paragraphs each begin with the word ‘ whereas ’ , and are called ‘ recitals ’ .
23 Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects .
24 Some or all of the authorized shares will be issued to shareholders ( and are called issued shares or called-up shares ) , with an issue price which can exceed the par value but can not be less than the par value .
25 Although the majority of weakly electric fish , in both the African and the South American groups , give their electric discharges in discrete pulses and are called " pulse " species , a minority of species in both groups do it a different way and are called " wave " species .
26 Although the majority of weakly electric fish , in both the African and the South American groups , give their electric discharges in discrete pulses and are called " pulse " species , a minority of species in both groups do it a different way and are called " wave " species .
27 Children … are not endued with Reason at all , till they have attained the use of speech but are called Reasonable Creatures for the possibility apparent of having the use of Reason in time to come .
28 The forms are termed the deviatoric parts of the respective tensors , while are called the dilatational parts .
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