Example sentences of "[conj] behind [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And then we get to the roadworks , and probably he 's either in front of me or behind me , and he 's going and then he gets through the roadworks , and it 's , away , whoa , woof , and they 're up behind you are n't they .
2 Floorboards , plaster , timber trim , including architraves and skirting boards , and other finishes ( including apparently impenetrable tiling ) must be removed from timber and masonry if the slightest suspicion exists that the fungus has reached beneath or behind them .
3 With careful arrangement you can see what is happening in the next room ( with an open dividing door or glass panel ) or behind you or in the hall , even in the garden , thereby extending your range of vision and your range of information .
4 Their combatant status is the same whether they are employed at the front or behind it
5 You could al you could always take her to the dent , is the other tooth in front of it or behind it ?
6 ‘ Allen taught me it is easier to hide in front of something than behind it . ’
7 For it seemed to him that the benches and bin he suddenly saw were bigger than normal and that behind them there loomed not the curves and familiar shapes of the black-painted Victorian Cages , but greater shapes that pointed darkly to the sky as mist enshrouded them in grey and made them seem alive .
8 The sixteenth-century merchant who was so proud of his oriel windows would be astonished if he came back today to find that behind them management was managing and typists typing .
9 Denouncing the demonstrators as " vandals " , and suggesting that behind them stood " dark forces " seeking to destroy Albania , he appealed for the co-operation of opposition parties in restoring calm .
10 The assassin gave her no time to cry out ; a flare of terror — what am I doing here who is that behind me dark dark someone behind me — and Fox tightened her hold on the other 's mind , taking control .
11 The 21-year-old McCracken , who makes his debut in tomorrow 's home game with Wakefield , said : ‘ I 've come to England with a bit of a reputation but I want to put all that behind me and get on with playing rugby and improving my game .
12 Of course , I 'm very committed to social change , but I leave all that behind me when I get back here .
13 Captive Audience was going easily but Kelly knew that behind her , Cy would be swinging off Shine On , who was in a different class to her horse .
14 Bourgeois democracy was seen as a facade , concealing the fact that behind it the capitalist class continued to rule and dominate bourgeois society .
15 yes , we 'll be leaving that behind I suppose
16 ‘ Now we have to put that behind us and get the two wins we need to be safe . ’
17 The soldiers carried rocket-launchers as well as rifles or machine-guns and behind them , spaced along the dual carriageway high above the port , were lines of tanks .
18 Then came the body of the Cid with an hundred knights , all chosen men , and behind them Doña Ximena with all her company , and six hundred knights in the rear .
19 And behind them , there , in the same sky
20 The routed forces stream back across the board and behind them follow the now-superior armies of the computer .
21 Ambiguities of this kind constantly disturb our attempts to describe the social organization of Europe at this time ; and behind them all lies a more fundamental uncertainty .
22 The elderly heart and spine should never be subjected to the tremendous effort required to move heavy furniture and equipment in order to clean under and behind them .
23 Julia 's devotion to the Brontë legend is a leitmotiv , and behind them all is the all-powerful Wing Commander , the ‘ old man ’ , a sort of ‘ Mr Rochester ’ figure .
24 The French duties on wheat , for example , rose steadily from 1881 to 1897 and behind them French agriculture improved its methods and cultivated new products as specialities for urban and foreign markets .
25 Iago 's superiority over the six people he directly deceives ( and behind them , of course , the whole of society ) is so marked that we risk endorsing his contempt for whichever ‘ snipe ’ , ‘ knave ’ , or ‘ ass ’ he happens to be manipulating .
26 A Mercedes and a Zim , bumper to bumper , blocking both lanes of the carriageway and behind them the menacing silhouette of a T-77 tank , its barrel aimed directly at the oncoming van .
27 To his left were three NYPD police cars , parked bumper to bumper , and behind them a human chain of police officers , all armed with handguns and rifles .
28 The bride and groom knelt before the altar , and behind them the benches were packed with nobility from all over Portugal .
29 One needs the published histories of the towns and behind them the town records themselves .
30 Here the view down the Urner See , with its many cliff faces and behind them serried mountain peaks , some with perpetual snows and ice , is most dramatic .
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