Example sentences of "[conj] fall into " in BNC.

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31 Animals that fall into this general category include many territorial fish , such as the river bullhead , many reptiles , especially snakes , a few birds , such as the ruff , and many mammals , such as bears , pandas and raccoons .
32 At the present time there are four unusual breeds that fall into this category — accepted by some , rejected by others — and they are the Scottish Fold cat , the Canadian Sphynx cat , the Californian Ragdoll cat and the American Peke-faced cat .
33 The General Manager of Barclays Bank , Trevor Nicholas , has said that out of his 4,000 systems staff there are just 7 that fall into this category .
34 All the leaves that fall into the pond congregate around the loosened wire for me to collect up in a simple once daily netting session .
35 This view characterises most sociological explanations of crime , including those that fall into the third category of causal explanation : invention .
36 Spellings that fall into these categories are the majority of those cited by Wyld .
37 An observer at a distance from the black hole can measure only the outgoing particles , and he can not correlate them with those that fall into the hole because he can not observe them .
38 This means that the particles that fall into one black hole will come out of another hole of about the same mass .
39 The population will not grow indefinitely , because eventually the supply of raw materials , the smaller elements that fall into the moulds , will become limiting .
40 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
41 As Thomas Becon put it in the sixteenth century , it was a ‘ duty of children ’ whose parents were ‘ aged and fallen into poverty , so that they are not able to live of themselves , or to get their living by their own industry and labour ’ , to work and care for them and ‘ provide necessaries for them , ‘ just as in their own childhoods ‘ their parents cared and provided for them . ’
42 Quite how it happened he was not sure , but at some point he had slipped and fallen into the canal .
43 Shannon , constantly mopping her feverish forehead , is , like the giant lizard tied up and thrashing under the floorboards , at the end of his rope , and the party of Texan school teachers he is leading on a ‘ tour of God 's world ’ are incensed about his having put them up in flea-bag hotels and fallen into bed with the teenage student they have brought along .
44 This approach was carried to its furthest extreme by the embryologist E.W. MacBride , who argued that all the different invertebrate types were degenerate offshoots from various points in the main line of vertebrate progress : ‘ It is therefore broadly speaking true ’ , he wrote , ‘ that the Invertebrates collectively represent those branches of the Vertebrate stock which , at various times , have deserted their high vocation and fallen into lowlier habits of life . ’
45 If the ring had not captured and ruined Gollum 's mind , he would never have been overcome by desire of it and hence he would not have snatched the Ring and fallen into the Cracks of Doom , the only place the Ring can be destroyed .
46 It was luxury to stretch out , to groan , to relax … and to fall into the deepest slumber of my life …
47 They ordered calvados and played canards , dipping the sugar cubes in the tawny liquid so that the surfaces just met , the liqueur drawn up through the sugar , flushing and softening it until at just the right moment , a split second before the sweetness might dissolve and fall into the drink and spoil it , you tipped your head back and took the lump on your tongue and either let it melt there , or gnashed the singingly sweet grit of the sugar grains .
48 I was suddenly violently sick and fell into a ditch .
49 A pregnant woman lost her baby after she fainted as she waited for a bus and fell into the path of a lorry driven by her uncle .
50 Jewish women were excluded from the court of the women during their impurity and fell into the same category of impurity as gentiles .
51 But once before , so many years ago , he had turned to meet God and fell into the hands of the Devil .
52 Capt David Anderton died when his Sikorsky S61N struck a crane on Shell 's Brent Spar oil platform and fell into the sea 116 miles east of Lerwick .
53 Richard , the ‘ Lion Heart ’ , was crowned King Richard I , in September 1189 , and in his Crusade he conquered Cyprus and the city of Acre , advancing to within twelve miles of Jerusalem , but he fell out with other Christian princes on the Crusade and was shipwrecked during December 1192 , in the Adriatic , and fell into the hands of Emperor Henry II of Austria , who held him captive until he received a ransom of one hundred thousand pounds .
54 He tripped and fell into thick bush .
55 Then the mill was auctioned and fell into the hands of a competitor , the miller who was running the Upper ( formerly Kytes ) Mill at the top end of the village .
56 A diver jumped from a boat , landed on the anchor and fell into the sea .
57 One such band , Victim , made the break from their native Belfast and fell into a false sense of security by capturing a small time record contract with Tony Davidson's ' T.J.M. Label .
58 The tabloids sniffed money and fell into a frenzy .
59 One day he shied away from an empty crisp bag and fell into a ditch .
60 It must have been chasing a squirrel or something and fell into the hollow and could not get out again . ’
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