Example sentences of "[conj] remain there " in BNC.

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1 A diver absorbing excessive nitrogen must ascend to a designated depth to reduce the pressure and remain there for a specified time for what is known as a ‘ decompression stop . ’
2 In those days , scarlet fever victims had to go to the Isolation Hospital just outside the town , and remain there for about six weeks , until all the affected skin had peeled off .
3 If it is raised and released it will fall from state A to state B and remain there .
4 The vision of the completed composition will come into his mind and remain there , often unchanged , until it has been transferred directly onto the canvas by the artist 's brush .
5 Go to the top floor of your house and remain there till the water goes down … ’
6 Women , especially married women , have increasingly desired to return to work and remain there by having a break to give birth .
7 But ERR , carrying out research for the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , found that emissions of this type will " rise considerably above their 1990 levels and remain there " .
8 Whether or not a witness should remain in court during the hearing is at the discretion of the court ( Moore v Registrar of Lambeth County Court [ 1969 ] 1 All ER 782 ) but they are usually brought in and remain there unless some application is made .
9 It emerged that when oestrogen was taken on its own , the lining of the womb would build up each month and remain there instead of being shed as a period .
10 Kael joined the magazine in 1968 and remains there to this day , her tenure only briefly interrupted in 1978 when Paramount 's offer of a consulting job tempted her to Hollywood .
11 Hopefully they will not include Bryan Adams ' ‘ ( Everything I Do ) I Do It For You ’ , which grabs the Number One spot in the UK singles chart and remains there for an unprecedented 16 weeks .
12 ‘ I find it inconceivable that Philippe Le Roux lined his pockets from his dealings at Norton , ’ comments one senior Norton executive who was there before Le Roux arrived and remains there today .
13 Twelve of their heads were impaled on the Charles Bridge pour encourager les autres and remained there for more than a decade .
14 He became director of the Manchester City Art Galleries 1945–52 , and remained there until he succeeded Ellis Waterhouse as director of the National Gallery of Scotland 1952–70 .
15 when ‘ 777 ’ s flying days were over she was donated to a California Polytechnic Institute campus and remained there until acquired by Mr. Maloney .
16 These kings chose Angkor at the beginning of the ninth century for their residence and remained there until 1431 , when they were defeated by the Thais .
17 Goodfellow went to Korea in November 1945 and remained there until the following summer .
18 Patients living within the defined geographical area were considered to have severe acute renal failure if the serum creatinine concentration rose above 500 µmol/l for the first time and then returned to below that level and remained there or if the patient died during the acute illness and the history or necropsy confirmed acute renal failure .
19 Alcuin was resident among the Northumbrians in 790 and remained there for some time in the hope of influencing Aethelred , whose accession he welcomed , though evidently to no avail for shortly after he declared that he was working against injustice and that Aethelred 's attitude was not as he had hoped .
20 Being unfit for service , and to escape the danger of bombing , Firbank moved to rooms in the High Street , Oxford , in October 1915 , and remained there until September 1919 .
21 En route she visited England in 1889 and remained there .
22 In 1911 he was chosen to become general manager of the London and South Western Railway and remained there till 1923 .
23 Knighted in 1701 , he reached Constantinople in early 1702 and remained there until 1717 .
24 This he accepted in 1862 and remained there for the rest of his life , being left free to pursue his own research .
25 Langdon became curate of Tithby in Nottinghamshire , probably in 1603 , and remained there until his death .
26 The family later moved to Blackheath and remained there for twenty-one years .
27 Her brother Joshua moved to Herefordshire in 1822 and remained there until 1841 , when he returned to London , where he remained until his death in 1847 .
28 He moved to Belfast East , was elected MP at the Westminster elections of February and October , 1974 , and remained there for the elections to the Constitutional Convention .
29 Miller moved into the flat in 1979 and remained there until the writ for possession in July 1989 , more than once offering to pay rent .
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