Example sentences of "[conj] though [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I ought to have said , that though not a stout young man , he has always been very healthy , and has no dread of confinement .
2 They are victims , which means that though not necessarily good , or pleasant , they have a moral ascendancy over the rich .
3 A Pharaoh or a modem dictator would share the conundrum that though apparently so similar to their subjects , with their same mortal limitations , they somehow have acquired the privilege of uniquely determining their country 's future , and deciding on matters of life and death perhaps every day .
4 He believed that the government had lost credibility , first by denying that any recession ever existed , then by claiming it was only minor , then by claiming that though perhaps it was severe the recovery was just around the corner .
5 I knew that I was alone , and I found myself saying over my name to myself to intensify my individuality to bring about a conviction that though alone I was strong .
6 Frank Giles , then Rome correspondent for The Times , says that though technically below Monsignor Domenico Tardini in rank , Giles was advised to take sandwiches .
7 While for those thrust into a position of ‘ ritual liminality ’ there is the possibility of becoming ‘ men apart ’ , of standing aside and though not necessarily following political alternatives posed by any counter-culture , undertaking the hero 's journey merely by seeking to comment on the social condition they now see with new eyes .
8 He had inherited his family 's respect for learning , and though not a savant himself , he nevertheless brought his children up with a healthy respect for books and the independence they instil .
9 The skew chisel is well known , and though not manufactured in recent times , the skew gouge has been utilised as a modification .
10 Digital filter design is part of ILS 's product and though not as extensive in its filter design as some of the others , it is still impressive .
11 The people have spoken , and though not with unanimous voice , in large enough numbers to make the message clear : the bolters need controlling if our crags are not to become clinical , sporting playgrounds where all you 'll need is a rack of quick-draws and a chalk bag .
12 Before issuing an Order under the Act , he or she must consult the appropriate council , and though not obliged to take their advice , is obliged to publish it , and to give reasons if it is rejected .
13 And though not a leaf or outline moved , there seemed more air , and a fresh little welcome breath from time to time near one 's skin .
14 Both were Dickie 's favourites , and though normally he ate twice as much as his mother and myself put together , he refused second helpings .
15 and though even in these days of equal pay
16 ‘ Always I have let my horn cry at setting forth , and though thereafter we may walk in the shadows , 1 will not go forth as a thief in the night . ’
17 Suggests a large long-legged gamebird and though mainly brown at rest shows a striking contrast in flight , with almost as much white as a flying Shelduck ( p. 51 ) .
18 Bisecting Oxford and Bicester is the M40 , due to be completed in Spring 1991 , and though only about thirteen miles away Bicester has obviously evolved into its own entity .
19 I recall the time that I saw on one of the stalls a bone-handled Scout knife and though only a Wolf-Cub , determined to buy one .
20 In November Reagan met Gorbachev in Geneva , and though only minor agreements on bilateral co-operation were made this , the first summit since 1979 , proved surprisingly friendly .
21 They were dressed in the uniform of reserve corps volunteers , and though only one of the two wore it legitimately , it would have been hard to tell which .
22 The important meetings had taken place in the East , and though very few representatives of the Western Churches had , attended , the canons had been accepted as binding upon the whole Christian world .
23 ( 1 ) The Cuticle is a complex , non-cellular layer secreted largely by the epidermis and though commonly considered non-living is actually the seat of complex biochemical changes , some at least under enzymatic control .
24 His father was now well-established in his career and though never affluent they were comfortably off .
25 ‘ Of course not , ’ she replied in no uncertain terms , and though still angry , as his eyes stayed steady and speculative on hers , she would dearly have loved to have known what he was thinking .
26 Through this introduction Pons enrolled at Southampton and though formally supervised in his studies by Alan Bewick , Pons and Fleischmann soon became good friends , sharing their common interests in cooking and skiing .
27 One is concerned with summer flowering bulbs , and though perhaps some of its contents come from Dutch wholesalers , there are some interesting things , from several fine pineapples lilies ( types of Eucomis ) , a really wonderful variety of Amaryllis belladonna , a gorgeous looking relative of the lilies ( and far more expensive ) , called Bessera elegans , with coral red flowers , and much more .
28 And though far gone , in a distant land , he is yet with you .
29 Leavis , a radical socialist before 1950 , turned briefly liberal before adopting in his last years a bitterly conservative stance that favoured no party of state , hating economic growth and the European Community , so that long before his death in 1978 his idealism had been soured by the varied spectacle of human folly ; but though always outside religion , he was in no way hostile to it , and admired its moral seriousness .
30 The Earth is included because though only a few tens of impact craters are known , all of them are less than 500 Ma old and thus constitute recent cratering .
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