Example sentences of "[conj] he happen " in BNC.

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1 In fact , when all his debts were paid off , the money was quickly spent and he soon found himself waiting to collect his $55 a week on the unemployment line at 75 East 13th Street , where he happened to be caught by an eagle-eyed Life photographer before the film 's release .
2 The principles he acts upon are not adopted because of his social position or natural endowments , or in view of the particular kind of society in which he lives or the specific things that he happens to want .
3 All that 's stopping him being welcomed into the great freemasonry of the over-fifties is that he happens to be thirty-two .
4 The poet is no longer regarded as a visionary or a genius ; he becomes a skilled worker who arranges , or rather , rearranges the material that he happens to find at his disposal .
5 In it he refers to the lunar eclipse of 30 October 1091 that he happened to observe in Italy .
6 That was how Bill was brought up , and he happens to think politeness matters .
7 ‘ Well , actually , Sam said I was the same height as him now and he happened to have two .
8 Not as tricky as the original one this effect was discovered , I think , by Pasteur in tartaric acid and he happened to notice , he had a proper tartaric acid crystals .
9 And and he happened to give me .
10 If he happens to take his eye of the ball , he is very likely to be bowled , and if he hits the ball it may go to any point on the ground where the possibilities of making runs , being caught or surviving an appeal to the umpire are all on the cards .
11 A second important difference is that if he misses his place in a routine he will be totally lost , whereas if he happens to go in the wrong direction while using a map he is still able to make whatever correction is necessary .
12 The mother who ‘ ca n't be so cruel ’ as to wake her sleeping baby if he happens to be asleep at the appointed feeding-time , fails to realize that a few such wakings would be all she would have to resort to …
13 He or she will glance ostentatiously at his watch , as if to indicate that an expected arrival is late for an appointment and if he happens to meet the glance of a passer-by , he will more often than not look once again at his watch and cast a long-suffering glance at heaven ; as if by recruiting sympathy for a familiar predicament he will pre-empt any suspicion of more suspect motives .
14 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
15 Now if he happens to knock it or he , he lights it up or I always wake up .
16 If he happened to be out when Sien came home , the flowers in front of the window by the wicker chair would let her know he had thought of her .
17 A transaction with a foreigner who is resident here would be outside the embrace of the legislation if he happened to be abroad , or chose to be abroad , at the time the transaction was effected .
18 The presence of a rival could blight his own prospects , and if he happened to be from the locality , then Owen O'Clery told himself he might as well be moving on immediately .
19 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
20 I left the bike in the shed and watched him from the shed door for a while , poised so that if he happened to wake up it would look as though I was just in the act of shutting the door .
21 If he happened to come up the way .
22 you know sort of ooh he 's got ta be a poof so they er duff him up just cos he happens
23 for not only was the Earl Patrick suspicious of anyone coming from the regency , but he happened at this juncture to be consoling himself with a local lady , in the absence of marital comforts .
24 Ian was not over-bright , but he happened to be popular with the other boys as he was a good footballer and did quite well at sports generally .
25 In other respects a field officer will not claim familiarity with another district unless he happens to have worked it himself in the past .
26 It is not something which your average reader is even particularly aware of ( unless he happens to be French ) .
27 It was n't Morris , it was n't identifiable , even to a keen archaeologist — not unless he happened to be all too well informed about the experts who had interested themselves in Aurae Phiala , and even in their heirs and heiresses , down to herself .
28 ‘ To howl down a man just because he happens to be out of form one day is often sufficient to discourage him for all time , ’ he told the Yorkshire Evening Post .
29 ‘ However — and it is a BUT in capital letters — it 's as deplorable as it 's inevitable that because he happens to be a movie star his actions have drawn a torrent of destructive attention upon the entire industry with a free-for-all splurge in 57 varieties of scandal , malicious tongue-wagging and dirt . ’
30 The argument for saying that there should be liability in such circumstances is that a constable does not cease to have certain general duties because he happens to be ‘ off duty ’ for the time being .
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