Example sentences of "[conj] she liked " in BNC.

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1 When at last they began to come out to her in the sun-drenched quadrangle on the Castle 's south side , where she liked to sit , she was patient and cautious .
2 In leaving the room , swelling for the first time with tears , she had collided awkwardly with Gordon 's mother , who supposed she could stand where she liked in her own house , and even if Edward had called after her , she would not have been able to hear him .
3 as though there had never been another world , and when a boy she knew , who lived in Doncaster , asked if he could come over and take her out , she refused him , although she liked him , because she knew that she could not bear to allow herself to emerge .
4 In fact she agreed cheerfully that she liked to see the whites of the eyes of any constable stupid enough to encounter her with tie undone or shirt unbuttoned .
5 She had already known , half consciously , that she liked her grandmother better than she liked her mother , and loved her mother more fiercely than she loved her grandmother .
6 That she liked being in the wood . ’
7 And Kylie confessed later that she liked nothing better than to ‘ pretend ’ she was in a pop group like Abba , prancing around her bedroom holding a hairbrush as a microphone .
8 Nails felt touched , that she liked him .
9 His face was quite startlingly ugly , but it was also very kind , and she decided that she liked him .
10 Emily decided that she liked a small sapphire flanked by diamonds .
11 She resisted the thought that she liked the idea of him sitting at her kitchen table .
12 She went out with him faithfully for several months , and as time went on she found that she liked him both less and more .
13 But it was true that she liked to have good-looking young men around her , and the Earl of Essex was her favourite .
14 She was the kind of woman who convinced herself that she liked all the rich smells associated with men .
15 I opted for bright welcoming lights , while my friend said that she liked warm rooms and a good fire .
16 She was a reasonable woman , and he knew that she liked him .
17 Julia compared the food of the two parties and decided unhappily that she liked both the dish-of-herbs meal of this evening and also the elaborate deliciousness of avocado mousse , sole and boeuf en croûte of the previous day .
18 It was n't a feeling that she liked .
19 When they came up the grassy track that led to the headland , out of the wood that clothed the side of the valley where the village was , the girl was delighted and her mother relieved that she liked it .
20 It really would be very much more practical to have her hair cut , she told herself severely for the umpteenth time , but the simple truth was that she liked having her hair long , loved the feeling of the heavy silken strands on her skin .
21 She should move away , or at least sit forward , but the horrifying part was that she liked it .
22 If someone called that she liked , she 'd say , I 've just come in .
23 And after her first day 's work , which proved her promise that she liked housework , Peggy plied her with what was left of the Christmas fare .
24 Yeah she said that she liked , she liked those big polo necked ones .
25 She had already known , half consciously , that she liked her grandmother better than she liked her mother , and loved her mother more fiercely than she loved her grandmother .
26 More worried now than she liked to admit , Piper extended her search for the Base Administrator to the refectory .
27 By the time she entered the building and hurried across to Occupational Health she was several minutes later than she liked to be in the mornings .
28 She expressed being a sensitive person who needed company ( she always had the radio on ) , she was n't thirsty and she liked the heating on but had to have windows open .
29 He was gentle and easy to be with and she liked what Jack called the mad Jewish grin .
30 This was her very first taste of only the best being good enough — and she liked it !
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