Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] themselves " in BNC.

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1 But ZZAP ! has never looked at the other side of the problem or asked themselves : ‘ Why is there so much software piracy ? ’
2 As far as she was aware , no one had cut themselves or pricked themselves with a needle .
3 If his army were crushed and Kuwait taken by force , and if the allied forces were then eager to pack up and go home or found themselves no longer wanted , UN peacekeepers could step in .
4 But these were matters which preoccupied theologians ( whose intellectual reputation was not high ) , philosophers and artists ( who were admired but somewhat in the manner in which wealthy men admire the diamonds they can afford to buy their women ) and social critics , of the left or right , who did not like the kind of society they lived in or found themselves forced into .
5 But although amino acids might well have become strung together to form primitive proteins , it is difficult to see how those proteins could have had any kind of coherent structure , or multiplied themselves efficiently , without help from DNA .
6 First , many patients in hospital have taken overdoses or injured themselves in the past .
7 Those few who consciously risked the consequences of disregarding it , or allowed themselves unthinkingly to slide into overindebtedness , could still suffer the degradation of what went for life behind the walls of the Marshalsea or the Kidderminster dungeon .
8 Frequently , they expressed a sympathy for guerrilla activities and direct action , without recognizing that successful guerrilla movements were either controlled by an organized and disciplined party ( as in China ) or turned themselves into a traditional type of party ( as in Cuba ) when it became necessary to consolidate their rule and implement their policies .
9 ‘ Pork-pie ’ trilbies came into prominence ( again ) in the short-hair phase , faded & reasserted themselves in early smoothie .
10 Social workers are needed to help the families of mentally handicapped persons as well as the mentally ill or handicapped themselves .
11 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
12 Important changes in the doctrine of precedent were also made in midgame : judges were persuaded or persuaded themselves that they were not in fact bound by court decisions their predecessors had taken as binding .
13 Tt yeah yeah erm yeah I mean it 's interesting when you come to attitudes to parenthood erm I think that 's quite an important issue because it does tap into a whole range of things about erm you know kind of er suspicions that somehow if gay or lesbian people raise children then the children 'll either be , you know , sort of corrupted or converted themselves
14 Mr Smith added : ‘ There was no enthusiasm for this Government , no admiration for their performance , no sense that after 13 years they had delivered the goods , fulfilled promises or proved themselves worthy of the trust of the nation . ’
15 They are people who either knew Jesus personally or apprenticed themselves , perhaps at second or third remove , to those who did .
16 The few that remained squatted out in the open or tucked themselves into tiny holes , often with their hindquarters clearly visible .
17 I know this was the first time they 'd ever thought of or considered themselves as artists , before that I guess they just thought they were lucky .
18 When , in the late 1920s , a critical backlash developed against films that made themselves vacuous in an attempt to match Hollywood styles , the only way people could think of doing it was to define British cinema as the opposite of Hollywood — abandoning melodrama and flamboyance for realism , restraint and understatement .
19 In the 1920s America had witnessed some of the problems of the modern world that was emerging after the First World War ; the confusions and uncertainties that revealed themselves became more acute as prosperity suddenly came to an end in 1929 .
20 They made shadowy forms that lowered themselves into seats , sat transfixed for a while and then rose and glided.away .
21 There were a great number of these at different points along the Straits , but there were three that found themselves right in the thick of things .
22 It was n't just the major record companies that found themselves unable to cope with '89 's burgeoning Rave scene .
23 Every time he 'd had a few drinks , they took starring roles in the fantasies that played themselves out in his head .
24 There was no direct reference to socialism or communism ; the republics that committed themselves to the treaty would rather be bound to respect the principles of democracy , human rights as defined by international agreements , and social justice .
25 Within twenty minutes of arrival , we had both caught the prescribed limit ; strange , stump-tailed rainbow trout that threw themselves instantly at whatever fly we offered .
26 He made for it , taking a short cut through the carpark adjoining a few prefabricated sheds that called themselves the Hawkwood Industrial Estate .
27 The last time he had been in Athens , when the group that called themselves ‘ November 17th ’ had hit the Procter & Gamble offices with an anti-tank rocket , he had not been admitted to the presence of this big man .
28 They were not overawed by the forbidding tors and jagged rocks , nor felt themselves threatened by the rolling acres of granite uplands .
29 By the early seventies , articles that saw themselves as explicitly feminist were beginning to appear in philosophy journals ( e.g. The Monist , special issue , 1973 ) .
30 Some authorities made a point of saying that they did not have a training programme because they depended on courses that presented themselves , e.g. : ‘ We always hope to send staff on courses as they are advertised ’ .
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