Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] herself " in BNC.

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1 Naturally one had wished to invite Mr Adolphus Moon who had just purchased a delightful house with extensive grounds near the village of Far Flatley , where Amabel herself would dearly love to build .
2 Only let there be a five-minute delay and pots would be thrown , furniture overturned and the servant arriving , whether Teresa or Wilson herself , threatened with clenched fist .
3 Wittgenstein 's discussion is certainly not peppered with references to narrow-front migration , smoke-bathing , or Skinner boxes , ( nor is that of Regan , Singer , Frey , or Midgley herself , come to that ) , since his concern is to clarify the implications of our everyday ways of attributing psychological concepts like hope , fear , belief , understanding , and so on .
4 Without access to case notes and forbidden as part of her training to ask direct questions of either Father Racy or Amy herself , Theodora had at first found it hard to place her either in terms of her problem or socially .
5 By saying this , I am accepting that Geraldine herself may well have engineered the engagement .
6 But Didone has a peculiarity which was to mark later Italian opera , including L'incoronazione : the part of Jarba , Dido 's rejected lover , who in the end saves her from suicide , is a castrato singing in a higher register than Dido herself ; Nerone and Ottone are in the same predicament .
7 There were five of them : the biggest , a girl , looking not much younger than Millie herself .
8 One is that they are more willing to explore new skills ; the other is that Imo herself was young , and macaques interact most with other individuals in their troop of a similar age to themselves .
9 Turning to face Ellie , she smiled , said , ‘ I ca n't thank you enough for all you 've done … ’ and only then seemed to realise that Ellie herself was n't all dressed up .
10 A roll of 01–02 gives the Halfling the feeling that Esmeralda herself forbids it , and makes the Halfling subject to fear of the tower and everything in it !
11 She had hinted darkly that Wilson herself must be to blame , that she must have been weak , must not have written plain enough and as she had been instructed .
12 Housewife and mother roles are synonymous in this quotation , although Lopata herself presents considerable evidence as to the differences and disjunctions between them .
13 Neither the Soviet Union nor China herself was capable of meeting the demand for textiles : Japanese textiles would eventually be accepted in exchange for Chinese commodities , including minerals , since Japan was the obvious market .
14 Well she was staying overnight at some wee girl 's house and I 'd say well that 's alright as long as you 're as long as , you know , that know the wee girl 's mother maybe , she 's a daughter a wee bit older than Lindsey herself who had the , but no this mother see she was divorced and going with these men and let her daughter stay out to half eleven , and Lindsey was , n was n't in her house till half eleven .
15 Silence fell , during which Liz inspected Henrietta 's blue dress : it was poutily , boldly cut , made of the kind of shot , stiff , shiny non-absorbent kind of fabric that Liz herself avoided , for it made her sweat ; indeed it made her sweat to look at it .
16 And so it remained , an eyesore and a danger , although Beth herself regularly cleared the weeds from the path .
17 Although Mary herself was never to return to the town above the Jed Water or to venture again into the valley of the Liddel Water , her tragic history was soon to involve others in the turmoil of Liddesdale .
18 And no-one was more surprised than Emily herself .
19 Eleanor would talk of Hallam , as if he had been there , in her room , recalling his expressions and conversations more clearly than Dorothea herself ever could .
20 Then Liza told me that Mrs Mitchell had died in childbirth and that Nelly herself had been taken to Wolverhampton to live with an aunt and uncle .
21 One day , Currie was the SDLP 's spokesman on the economy , the next he was a Parliamentary candidate for a Party whose economic policies are more Thatcherite than Thatcher herself .
22 Those who think that Jenny herself is a little dull at times might conclude that Patrick has impaled himself on that point , like one of those Romans whose language he used to teach .
23 ( One wonders how much the latter has a bearing on the former , notwithstanding the fact that Riley herself is adamant that being female has not been an issue in her career ) .
24 In one photograph , which featured the juxtaposition of two O'Keeffe works , rather than O'Keeffe herself , Stieglitz confirmed what he believed was the meaning of her art .
25 This account is now generally accepted , although some historians still suggest that Elizabeth herself would have preferred to have reintroduced the 1549 Prayer Book , had she been able to enlist any support for this move from her lay and clerical advisers at court .
26 Initially , many believed that their retention would only be temporary ; they failed to understand , however , that Elizabeth herself saw the 1559 settlement as final , and that she intended to resist all pressure from her councillors , divines , and MPs to purify or reform these ceremonials .
27 And for Rome to acquiesce in such witch-hunts must indicate that Rome herself felt threatened .
28 During the course of their conversation , to which Julia listened with only half her attention as she sipped her brandy , she learned that Jackson French was likely to be posted to London to play a part in the winding up of UNRRA later in the year and that Comfort herself was due to leave Venice in two days ' time ‘ now that Julia is getting well again' .
29 In this article , I will demonstrate that O'Keeffe herself was instrumental in inspiring this new voice in the criticism ; that in response to the reviews she received on the occasion of her first major exhibition in New York in 1923 , she set about to persuade critics to define her and her art on her won terms .
30 In some ways more like a child than Jelka herself .
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