Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That this deal he set up with the Iranians through Nadirpur — part of the arrangement was that Philippe be released — in return for French arms . ’
2 The final was drawn , and club officials requested that Stewart be released to take part in the replay .
3 Shortly after she arrived , it was reported that she had accepted President Corazon Aquino " s condition that Marcos be buried in his home province of Ilocos Norte , rather than in the capital , Manila .
4 General Schwarzkopf demanded that JSTARS be rushed into service for Desert Storm after he had seen the system tested in a NATO exercise .
5 Thornton exploded , and successfully demanded that Curran be booted out .
6 Immortality and a Godly status are two things that Tamburlaine wants to achieve and he believes this will happen due to his ‘ protection by the Gods ’ , especially Jove : ‘ And shall the sun fall from his sphere than Tamburlaine be slain or overcome ’ .
7 So on 29 October 1955 Fisher recommended to the prime minister that Bell be asked to move to York because he was the biggest person in sight and — despite his age — ‘ he might tide over for five or six years ’ ; and that Ramsey be invited to go to London , because that huge see would ‘ respond to his commanding ability ’ .
8 An HSE document proposes that GMAG be turned into ACGM — an Advisory Committee for Genetic Manipulation under the direct responsibility of the HSE .
9 The Vatican initiative involved a proposal by papal nuncio Pablo Puente that Aoun be invited to join the Hoss Cabinet as a first step towards a re-examination of the Taif Accord .
10 But at yesterday 's meeting of the Snowdonia National Park 's northern area planning committee , members accepted an officer 's recommendation that the application be declined , and that Manweb be asked to place the cables underground .
11 In talks with Borja and during a speech to the Ecuadorean Congress , Fujimori reiterated his proposal , made in November 1991 [ see p. 38673 ] , that Ecuador be offered navigation rights on the northern Peruvian Amazon and that the border dispute be settled on the basis of the 1942 Rio de Janeiro protocol , which fixed the border after a war between the two countries .
12 Iraq demanded on Sept. 26 that Kuwait be expelled from the NAM because it had signed a defence agreement with the United States , a move which it claimed compromised Kuwait 's neutrality .
13 Without a satisfactory agreement the banks could refuse to lend more money on top of the £6bn in total committed to the project and demand that Eurotunnel be replaced .
14 We carry on with the gin , nobody paying any attention to my sentimental reminiscences , contradictory and literary as they are and unable to express my conflicting desire that England be an island in a timewarp and that the English behaved like Continentals .
15 On 2 February 1654 the council of state of the Protectorate recommended that Mackworth be added to its number .
16 28–1 At a congregation meeting they resolved that , as under present circumstances the Spiritual and moral interests of the congregation and the large outlying population can not be adequately attended to while Bowmore remains a mere station of the church , seeing that when probationers and Deputies of the Church come their stay is but temporary and quite insufficient for the necessities of the place , that an effort be made to raise the contributions of the congregation to an amount which might warrant the Presbytery to recommend to the Assembly that Bowmore be made a regularly sanctioned charge .
17 I more or less demanded that Nigel be referred to her .
18 However , on the resumption of full hearing , Judge Ireland instructed that Beattie be released immediately .
19 Justice requires that Secundus be given proper notice of the fact that litigation is pending against him , of the nature of the case , and of the date by which action on his part is required ; and that this notice be given promptly and in time for the defence to be adequately prepared .
20 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that for reasons to be given later the court would order that W. be transferred to the proposed specialist unit and there receive treatment without her consent .
21 In March 1836 a group of student members demanded that Vines be restored to the society , and formed themselves into a committee of management , upon which all the officers resigned .
22 The Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland , upholding the trial judge 's decision , ordered that TBL be joined as defendant and dismissed the action on the ground that clause 3 of the agreement constituted an attempt to fetter TBL 's statutory power to increase its capital and was therefore invalid .
23 It is imperative that Ulster be united once more , whether under an Irish Crown or the Crown of the United Kingdom .
24 It was further recommended that Okinawa be retained and that whatever was needed by way of other facilities should be obtained in the Ryukyus .
25 AS SOMEONE involved in religious education , I share Jayne Greenwell 's concern , but can not agree with her solution that RE be taken out of the curriculum .
26 The main criteria are that CBs be :
27 Prime Minister Mazowiecki had wanted the elections to be held after democratic parliamentary elections and the adoption of a new constitution , while Walesa supporters from Solidarity , Centre Alliance , demanded that Walesa be elected President by the National Assembly .
28 I keep sending memos urging them to make a decision now regarding the next one in four year 's time and asking that BBC2 be set aside on the appointed dates for Ryder Cup coverage .
29 As the argument was brought to an end by Dubroca 's resignation , Ferrasse enraged his countrymen by revealing that one of the English IRB representatives , Albert Agar , had demanded that Dubroca be brought before the Board to account for his behaviour .
30 For in those matters which are beyond the reach of absolute knowledge , it is within the province of man 's own responsibility to decide what , for the time being , can be or can not be accepted as truth , and , as there can be a Created God , so can that God be the product of created truth .
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