Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] therefore " in BNC.

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1 The problem that could therefore arise for surveyors choosing incorporation is how to safeguard themselves against changes in ownership and control .
2 It is dated December 1959 , and may therefore have been written at the time that Take a girl like you was being completed .
3 Many subsequently returned to their homes , all over the Soviet Union , where the local doctors may not know that they worked at Chernobyl and may therefore not recognise subsequent cancers or other problems as radiation-linked .
4 A few treasure hunters are also acting illegally ( for example , by using a metal detector in Britain on a scheduled ancient monument ) and may therefore sometimes conceal the find spot altogether or even falsify one .
5 Three and four-bedded rooms in hotels are usually twin bedded rooms with extra beds ( often of the folding kind ) and may therefore be rather cramped .
6 Although the females ' ranges are smaller than those of individual males they overlap those of several of them and may therefore turn up in more than one male community ; females in oestrus range widely , consorting with a male for a few days .
7 It seems that many men , however , show little in the way of symptoms and may therefore pass on the disease quite unknowingly .
8 It may also have the effect of precluding those members who can not find the time to attend a few workshops and may therefore strengthen management committees and their bureaux in the long run .
9 Manifestations can vary enormously from one individual to another ; a sufferer may — or may not — forget how to wash , dress , eat , go to the lavatory , get up or go to bed ; be disorientated in time and place ( for example , may get up in the middle of the night , or may wander away from home and be unable to find his or her way back ) ; forget the social conventions of politeness , and may therefore become aggressive or rude ( or over-friendly ) ; forget how to communicate , and even his or her own or other people 's identity .
10 Catabolism of VLDL by lipoprotein lipase is impaired in vitro with this C-apoprotein abnormality and may therefore produce a clearance defect in vivo .
11 The underlying Lower Limestone Shale is also interpreted as a shallow water sequence , but some beds are believed to have been laid down in poorly aerated conditions ( George 1958 ) and may therefore contain source material .
12 As Donald Rees from the South West Water Authority told the Lords : ‘ It is all very well lining a sewer at half the price that it would cost to build a new one , but in fact it may only last a quarter of a normal funding life and may therefore be uneconomic . ’
13 It may acquire political functions in certain circumstances , and may therefore find itself associated with programmes , including nationalist and separatist ones .
14 If the former , then consumers have money in their bank accounts or pockets that they do not know what to do with and may therefore not mind increased taxation to pay for schools , hospitals , and the social services .
15 They no longer function adequately ‘ on automatic ’ and may therefore be exposed to unacceptable risks .
16 The untreated , untrimmed , unadorned sheepskin was probably the first human garment and may therefore have been associated in the Minoan mind with the distant and primeval past .
17 Both truncated proteins lack the C-terminal nuclear import sequence and may therefore be less effective as homodimeric competitors , whereas the respective heterodimers with Myc are efficiently transported into the nucleus .
18 They have positive roll angles , which favour bending into the major groove , as predicted for C.G base pairs by Drew and Travers , and may therefore contribute to indirect readout .
19 We report here that long tails with shallow forks are aerodynamically optimal , exhibit correspondingly low sexual dimorphism and may therefore have evolved under natural selection .
20 Where tax-free reserves are so closely linked to capital investment , the small firm finds a greater proportion of profits subject to tax and may therefore be subject to a higher marginal rate of taxation .
21 Even if labour moves between firms , they carry with them more skill and experience than a new recruit and may therefore expect this to be rewarded .
22 There is no trim , mixture , flaps , prop control or gyros to worry about , so with a final tug at the harness , one can only glare balefully at the JAP again , decide that it has kept going thus far and may therefore be relied upon to continue doing so for a few minutes longer , and prepare to commit aviation .
23 Thus , on a realist view , there are truths about the past which are distinct from all present evidence and may therefore remain unknown to us .
24 Birth parents have to wait for adoptees to choose to contact them and may therefore experience feelings of desperation and anticipation around the time when the adoptee would be 18 years old .
25 It remains to a great extent subjective and may therefore be open to disagreement in analysis .
26 Alkalosis and acidosis can result from problems with the regulation of respiration or metabolism and may therefore occur as a result of the effects of anaesthesia , the surgical procedure , fluid imbalance during the peri-operative period or a pre-existing condition , e.g. diabetes mellitus .
27 Similarly , some Shirvan-grade rugs use designs associated with other traditional groups ( Kazak , Daghestan , Erivan , etc ) and may therefore be sold under the name of the design , rather than that of the grade .
28 They simplify , and may therefore distort , historical questions .
29 The effect of trees on foundation design was discussed earlier but a physical inspection of the site should include the location of all major trees , particularly where they are required to be retained under a tree preservation order and may therefore affect layout and density .
30 In such circumstances the copy certificates for processing through the cost and financial accounts may not reach the accounts department until after the date of the monthly close down and may therefore be costed to the following month .
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