Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] take " in BNC.

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1 The presentation of the result may use any of the charting methods described in this chapter , or may take the form of a descriptive narrative .
2 One and the same practice may be performed by a nurturant or a hostile mother , may occur within an easygoing or a rigidly authoritarian home , or may take place against a background of love or of hate .
3 All teachers are or should take responsibility for guidance work .
4 It is at least conceivable that political interference has taken place or could take place in the audit , if only because the auditor is appointed by the Secretary of State ; although there are no obvious examples of this having happened .
5 In contrast with One 0ver The Eight in which he constantly said his ‘ gloo — oo-oo-m ’ words or would take a word like ‘ now ’ and repeat it excessively , he behaved with total seriousness in this ; a different character entirely .
6 How many have taken or will take part in Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) schemes ?
7 That assumption allows us to retrace and anticipate , as it were , the steps a statesman — past , present , or future — has taken or will take on the political scene .
8 Canon have already announced an n by 508dpi engine where the horizontal scan frequency can be set by the OEM and which , even more significantly , can handle pages up to 24″ by 36″ or will take roll-fed paper up to 13′ .
9 While all the steps and grids of a career lattice may exist in principle , in most instances only a small proportion of the paraprofessional work force have access to or can take advantage of existing formal training opportunities .
10 You can draw down the full amount arranged for your loan all at once , or can take the money in stages .
11 Other modules like ‘ History of art ’ , ‘ Media studies ’ and ‘ Tourism ’ already have or can take on a European context .
12 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
13 Thus an old person who lives alone surrounded by piles of newspapers and plastic bags full of shopping and old clothes may be quite happily engaged in a long-term sorting out of possessions on a scale that may take years to accomplish .
14 Just to clarify matters , I have been unemployed since late last year but have budgeted my small income to be able to meet this year 's Governors subscription at the current rates and hopefully any increase that may take effect …
15 Verbs , nouns and adjectives that may take an infinitive with to may be followed by to without an infinitive to refer to a preceding verb or verbal group : Do n't go unless you want to ( Zandvoort 1957 ) .
16 Its funding and negotiations with authors are in the hands of a general editor at Layer IV , assisted by a small group of editors at Layer 111 , each working on projects that may take up to 18 months to complete .
17 I commend his appreciation of the need for a social dimension in any reforms that may take place .
18 However , even though the unexpected is likely to happen , the APT maintains that it is possible for investors to estimate the sensitivity of assets to the likely variety of events that may take place .
19 Firstly , the analysis is entirely static , ignoring changes that may take place over time .
20 It is the incentives under which financial users and providers operate that should take the rap and which require attention .
21 Issues that should take at least an hour of discussion with colleagues , as well as with the pupil concerned , have to be dealt with in two minutes at the staffroom door during break .
22 It is not just mid-town Manhattan that should take note .
23 If the total resources are insufficient to meet all needs then how does one choose the needs that should take precedence ?
24 The proposal of a flexible school leaving age is aimed to buy time while considering the major changes that should take place in secondary education .
25 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
26 No I th the the public inquiry that should take place in my view would would of course be conducted locally would involve all local interest and would have the benefit of independent views by experts on the environmental impact of this er proposal .
27 ‘ You 'll find a letter of authorization in there that should take care of all contingencies . ’
28 And we never hear about the thousands and thousands of sales that must take place every day where nothing 's gone wrong at all .
29 Even if Clinton sends a health-care bill to Congress soon , the 1993 legislative session is too far gone for the many lengthy hearings that must take place so that all can have their say .
30 Politicians , uncomfortable in the spotlight , publicly back some sort of reform package that might take away a few of their perks .
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