Example sentences of "[adv] all over " in BNC.

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1 There was so much going on all over the mission , more often than not organized by the people themselves .
2 Research on methods for controlling pests without chemicals is going on all over the world and the latest greenfly predator to come under scientific scrutiny is the lacewing .
3 Another hotly contested tournament was the Copa de Republic , a vast knock-out competition which went on all over the country from November to April .
4 Lights came on all over the Ship .
5 ‘ And I presume this sort of thing goes on all over the country ? ’
6 Lights began to go on all over Princedale Road .
7 Then she noticed the lights going on all over the school but thought no more about it .
8 ‘ I like to think that it is going on all over Masailand in fifty thousand kraals at this moment . ’
9 If you do n't there 's plenty of people out there that do and they 'll walk right all over you to get what they want .
10 Comes back and like blood , right all over the front of that doorstep
11 ‘ Mike Hall has said my campaign is effectively all over I just ca n't believe it .
12 Could it be that our assumption that matter and energy are returned to the Universe in discrete regions is wrong , that in fact they are returned piecemeal all over the Universe ?
13 Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain , on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear .
14 Paul was a young dentist whose dental practice enabled him to travel widely all over the world .
15 This theory of the global system , then , revolves around the perceived necessity for global capitalism to continually increase production and international trade , to guarantee the political conditions for this to occur uninterruptedly all over the world , and to create in people the need to want to consume all the products that are available , on a permanent basis .
16 One of the most ideal representatives of the Chaetodonite family for the beginner 's aquarium , and one that has been kept successfully all over the world , is the Threadfin Butterfly ( Chaetodon auriga ) .
17 His eyes were still trailing indecently all over her , his voice hoarse .
18 ‘ If you watch telly , you 'll know there 's people lying dead all over the world , ’ said Constance .
19 It is " recursive " because the same rule ( in this case a branching rule ) is applied locally all over the growing tree .
20 Some more crag rats were further proving the delights of Yorkshire limestone , holding on to ledges with their eyelashes and hanging on to spars of rock by their nostrils , swarming in a team of a dozen or so all over the face of the scar like a plague of dayglo flies .
21 Holy shrines and elaborately carved Moghul palaces are spread thickly all over the land , from India 's largest mosque , the Jama Masjid , in Delhi , to the splendour of the Palace of the Wind in Jaipur and the greatest , most massive mausoleum of all , the Taj Mahal near Agra .
22 Commandos were digging in all over the place .
23 As a result of subsidence , the ground was one mass of hillocks and hollows , extending in all over some 70 acres .
24 People will be tuning in all over the world for these live performances and it 's the organisers ’ hope that they will also take note of the educational messages conveyed .
25 A couple of hundred people tucked in all over the place like that radio room . ’
26 Going in all over that 's the position anyway !
27 There 's loads of new garages going in all over the place .
28 The policemen 's homes were n't — their barracks were being attacked almost daily all over the country .
29 Before Gifford had his stroke they used to go painting together all over the place .
30 Now they met on the Friday prior to the the delegate meeting and went all all over the agenda .
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