Example sentences of "[adv] ca [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Ca n't have that , and especially ca n't have it while you 're still on the sick list .
2 Others quite obviously ca n't stand the repeated and endless questioning .
3 He gave up being permanently conscious of Andrew 's disability soon after they first met yet he hangs on , thinking that Andrew himself quite obviously ca n't forget .
4 But he and his caring nature obviously ca n't always be there .
5 Unfortunately , you obviously ca n't go and buy all the fish and throw them straight in , nor can you go and buy fully-grown specimens to fill the tank on this sort of budget .
6 ‘ Three , crowd shot — not the bloody clouds — CROWDS — somebody get to three , he obviously ca n't hear . ’
7 So erm er erm by n by no means er could you call one point one percent of something that can vary by factors of three in , in , in , in Cornwall the natural radiation is three times what it is in , in Essex erm er but they seem to be quite er healthy nevertheless in Cornwall erm so point one percent is er varies by factors of three , obviously ca n't be considered to be erm er a major political er a major erm er environmental hazard .
8 Nor am I digressing because observation is a necessary part of communication , although again it obviously is : since communications obviously ca n't work if they 're not observed .
9 For example , I obviously ca n't tell you anything unless and until you hear what I 've said or see what I 've written .
10 We obviously ca n't go thrusting ourselves on that poor woman now . ’
11 I too have Windows 3 running in Real mode , not because I particularly like Windows , nor for multitasking ( which I obviously ca n't do ) , but because I work in the computer industry and need to be able to use Windows at clients ' sites and set up applications for them .
12 We obviously ca n't afford to spend all our time to put demo bands in , but we do offer special rates for demo bands that they can afford . ’
13 Therefore , the one is a destination which you 'll probably find you 'd prefer to go to for a long weekend or perhaps a , part of your annual holiday etcetera , our parks are places you go to for a day out and I think therefore there is a very er , strong difference between the sort of visit and because I feel that EuroDisney which will undoubtedly will be good , it 's a proven formula er , it 's run well er , it appeals to a lot of people and therefore it will be I think er , successful , exactly how successful I obviously ca n't say , but it will be successful , it will certainly attract British visitors , but they 'll come back , looking er , with certain higher expectation , a value for money , quality etcetera , etcetera .
14 We obviously ca n't afford to do that , on that scale , but what we can do , is fund into the regional scr er , screen commission at Birmingham , to their register , where they will hold details on what 's available , er , what houses , what large houses are available , things that can be set in , what lo what er , countryside there is , what facilities there are , what firms there are locally that can provide services to for a cost .
15 Now obviously you can translate the idea of something being a preventative about illness or sickness , but it 's very difficult to suggest in idiomatic modern English that roses can be a protection against evils , because you really , we really do n't have that kind of concept , normally now , although there are many uses of erm , groups of people who might retain such a concept , and if something like that arises , you obviously ca n't make it idiomatic , because there 's just no way it 's going to work idiomatically in English .
16 So you obviously ca n't edit it can you , or you should n't it 'll be pointless
17 Yeah tried to do and they obviously ca n't .
18 I mean as long as it , as long as the graph is reshaped rather than the massive overspend cos at this rate , we 're gon na be spending out er three hundred thousand pounds over just on overtime er which we obviously ca n't afford to do .
19 and it 's they do come up cos then you can see them below ca n't
20 But on a bigger job you can , you can put the resource in ca n't you ?
21 I mean the pound in ca n't be worth the
22 Unless you go in ca n't see it , oh .
23 Well you can put a bit more in ca n't you ?
24 Well if it looks as though it needs a drop we can always pour a drop in ca n't we ?
25 but I can put it in ca n't I ?
26 this week again there 's a lot of repeats in it , and he said other people that send adverts in ca n't even get er a look in , they do n't , anyway that , after he wrote the letter it was in the following week .
27 Well he could bring his own bloody milk in ca n't he ?
28 You can fill that in ca n't ya ?
29 One two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten fifty , ten seventy , ten eighty , eleven , eleven forty one Right I think we can put it all together ca n't we and erm get a balance , yes ?
30 Or you can have twigs with bits joining on together ca n't you ?
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