Example sentences of "[adv] convinced that " in BNC.

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1 Even with this explanation , one is not necessarily convinced that Ulimwengu was in the wrong , since we have only the Government 's side of the story .
2 he roared , still not entirely convinced that it was n't all some Limey hoax .
3 I am entirely convinced that Joseph Kosuth has never seen work by Claudio Parmiggiani either actually or in reproduction .
4 So unless we are entirely convinced that there are no such organic wholes , we should remain open to the possibility that some of Moore 's organic unities are really organic wholes .
5 A spokesman for Norwich police said : ‘ Papers were found on them , but we are not entirely convinced that they are genuine .
6 Although not entirely convinced that the necklace was without real value , Alice did not protest as Félix fastened it around her neck .
7 Though Amiss was not entirely convinced that Trueman had been murdered , he did feel a sense of unease about the Admiral 's safety , so he was relieved to see that he seemed to be getting on rather better with his committee colleagues than the Sunday experiences had promised .
8 I 'm I 'm not entirely convinced that we have enough control over the existing county schools , never mind , never mind whether we 'd be able to retain it or increase it .
9 Shannon had been halfway convinced that he was already sleeping with Marianne , but now she was n't so sure .
10 It is understood that the Bank of England backed higher rates to protect the pound but was less convinced that they needed to be raised to cool down the economy any further .
11 The Wall Street Journal is now more or less convinced that Louis Gerstner , chairman and chief executive of RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp and brother of former IBM Corp top staffer Richard Gerstner , will be named as IBM 's next chief executive : under Gerstner 's reign , RJR has slashed its $29,000m debt by more than 50% , partly by selling off corporate assets — ‘ He is a guy who likes to break things up , ’ commented Curt Rohrman , a First Boston analyst who follows IBM .
12 As their experience built up , the Treasury became less and less convinced that the role that had been envisaged for the nationalised industries in overall demand management was a desirable one .
13 ‘ So you 're more or less convinced that we pulled it off ? ’
14 Those readers who are now sufficiently convinced that the F-Plan is the first realistically helpful medical advance in slimming , as indeed it is , may if they wish turn to page 91 of this book , where they will find all the rules for following the plan , followed by recipes , menus and charts .
15 A grateful stock market was apparently convinced that the war would be over in a matter of hours , and so the Dow Jones roared to a 114-point gain .
16 Apparently convinced that I was behind the ABC and NBC stories and the media follow-up around the world , they blew my cover in a television broadcast that also went out around the world .
17 Taylor rejected Sawyer 's proposals , apparently convinced that he could win military victory and install himself as president .
18 Rank was so convinced that making expensive films was the way to break through into the American market that he made no attempt to rein back costs .
19 He was so convinced that she was , he just assumed she had stayed with some girlfriend to try to make him jealous .
20 I am so convinced that this is a fact I often only half-fill the ‘ feeder so that I can cast more often and take advantage of the extra number of casts and splashes and those thirty-second deadly periods .
21 She was now so convinced that the technique worked that she was quite able to deal with other situations on her own , using precisely the same methods .
22 Antwerpers are so convinced that their city is best that other Belgians think them chauvinist .
23 Others were not so convinced that John Gould , ‘ a mere museum man ’ , was up to the challenge .
24 No , does n't fit on it 's stopped recording change the change the tape so a su but going back to that she was so convinced that it was gon na be a heck of a job that she would save us time by taking all the clothes out putting them somewhere else and I said it 'll take us three minutes
25 His heart sank , perversely convinced that he was to be transferred to some damp hole where he would be able neither to stand upright nor lie at full length , and chained there in darkness .
26 But if so I am not wholly convinced that he adopted the new Liberalism .
27 Thus it is clear that if the change is a realistic one and the company is justifiably convinced that it must be imposed , you will be extremely vulnerable if you do not fall in line .
28 Like most people , I remain secretly convinced that I am immortal .
29 Finally , the ‘ intelligentsia ’ and scholarly circles — presumably attached to Leipzig University — in condemning Hess reportedly included some reproaches for Hitler for selecting such a ‘ mentally disturbed person as his possible successor ’ , though it was immediately added that most members of such circles were ‘ nevertheless convinced that the Führer no longer hears at all about the actual mood and situation within the Reich itself and that most things are kept from him ’ .
30 It may be at the end of end of all this that you you are nevertheless convinced that there ought to be a policy .
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