Example sentences of "[adv] prove a " in BNC.

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1 When the views of those who have experience of residential care are taken into account , and when the finding that fostering does not necessarily prove a permanent solution for young people in care is assimilated , then residential care is at least equal in its advantages to foster care .
2 Classification of functional gut disorders is proliferating at present , but there is much overlap of various functional symptom clusters and labelling these does not necessarily prove a common cause and may lend a false validity to the diagnosis .
3 One can not prove a personal judgment of this kind , and I do not expect immediate assent to it .
4 Toilet training is one of the very earliest lessons which needs to be taught Puppies are naturally clean by nature , so this should not prove a particularly difficult task .
5 Dieter did not prove a popular leader –many thought that he had accepted the Marienburger 's money a little too readily –and he was replaced by Wilhelm III , Prince of Altdorf and Elector Count of the Reikland .
6 Equally , the presence of a pronoun does not prove a relationship .
7 This did not prove a success and he subsequently accepted positions in Worcester , and later in Newcastle upon Tyne .
8 His religion did not prove a handicap , although his scrupulous conscience never made life easy for him , and his philosophy of broadcasting , set out in neat lectures , was very different from that of Greene , or of Baron Hill of Luton , his first chairman .
9 For an isolation experiment can not eliminate all possible environmental influences , all sources of experience ; it can not prove a universal negative , if only because universal negatives can not be proved .
10 We are sorry that we can not prove a cause and effect conclusively , but suspect that the hemiparesis could be a reaction related to sumatriptan and suggest that intra-cerebral binding sites of sumatriptan should perhaps be studied more closely .
11 This did not prove a problem because since 1828 Stephenson 's had been building for abroad .
12 Mansell said that recent bone surgery on his left foot to fix a lingering injury was sore occasionally , but should not prove a hindrance .
13 Providing a ‘ fast path to systems management , ’ would n't be the only benefit to Tivoli — ‘ TME Inside ’ would undoubtably prove a powerful marketing tool .
14 Foxton 's unexpected involvement has inevitably led to Stiff Little Fingers being branded a New Wave ‘ supergroup ’ , a tag which could just as easily prove a hindrance as a help .
15 Forward the answer to CALE 'S NO 10 And even if your card is not the first hauled from the bag , you might still prove a winner , because NME has 20 COPIES of a special promo three-track CD , ‘ Lonesome Town ’ / ‘ Low Rider ’ / ‘ Passion ’ , to hand over to runners-up .
16 Although his career may be on the wane , he should still prove a useful asset to Ballymena , who just pipped top Junior side Coleraine for the veteran 's services .
17 The optimism looks misplaced , even though 1991 will probably prove a better year than 1990 .
18 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
19 Making replicas of existing chairs is generally done to extend sets of antique chairs , but it can also prove a very useful introduction to chair-making techniques .
20 The provision of an adequate flat-rate pension would also prove a better vehicle than pension-splitting for dealing with the problems that are likely to face older women in the future as a result of divorce .
21 Mr Lamont , who sees the Budget as his attempt at political rehabilitation , was boastful , saying he believed last year 's Budget had contributed to the Tory victory at the election and this one would also prove a winner in the next election in 1996 ‘ or whenever the election comes ’ .
22 Try to avoid an area where there are many other dogs being exercised , since they will inevitably prove a distraction .
23 Ruth Pavey wonders if global warming will really prove a gardener 's godsend
24 We can now prove a result which is often stated and proved in a rather casual manner .
25 ‘ Ca n't prove a thing .
26 ‘ I hope I wo n't prove a too impatient patient . ’
27 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
28 ‘ That does n't prove a thing , of course . ’
29 ‘ You ca n't prove a thing . ’
30 Oh that does n't prove a thing !
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