Example sentences of "[adv] believed that " in BNC.

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1 Heath , I think , wrongly believed that it was possible as early as last autumn to negotiate the peaceful withdrawal of Saddam Hussein from the Gulf .
2 Some people , he explained , still wrongly believed that bodies were removed from coffins before being cremated and that ashes were eventually taken from a communal pile .
3 Its president , Karl Otto Pöhl , has long believed that his first and only duty is to keep inflation low in Germany .
4 Coleridge himself long believed that he was born on 20 October , but his father , with a clergyman 's attention to such matters , recorded in the parish register that the true date was 21 October ‘ about eleven o'clock in the forenoon ’ .
5 Certainly there are many difficulties facing Irish studios — but we have long believed that the wholehearted support of local musicians when it comes to making albums would make an enormous , positive difference .
6 I had long believed that the primary health care team did not really work but that it could be made to do so by adhering to contracts .
7 The Conservative government has long believed that ( excessive ) ‘ public expenditure is at the heart of Britain 's economic difficulties ’ ( HMSO 1979 ) .
8 As the House knows , we have long believed that the Community should be open to European countries who want to join and can take on the responsibilities of membership .
9 De Gaulle had long believed that the PCF 's tendency to align itself with Moscow invalidated it in crucial respects , and in November 1945 he had refused to give the PCF one of the three ministries that he regarded as essential to national security .
10 He had long believed that France 's duty was to do everything possible to favour this evolution .
11 It was long believed that remarriage and the prospects of remarriage must be taken into account when considering a widower 's claim but this must be in some doubt following the wide interpretation given to s4 of the Act in Stanley v Siddique [ 1992 ] 1 QB 1 : see Kemp & Kemp ( Sweet & Maxwell ) 22 – 004 et seq .
12 Miliutin rightly believed that this practice gave rise to major administrative complications .
13 Earlier , however , Mr Maan had said he personally believed that the CRE investigation could damage the CRC 's relationship with the region , and he opposed the decision to start the inquiry .
14 The accusations of republican and Communist links were significant , and Craig obviously believed that it was reasonable to assume that the motives of NICRA were subversive .
15 The conspirators apparently believed that Edward II was still alive , for Rent had been arrested after visiting Corfe Castle where the deposed king was supposed to be hiding .
16 He not only believed that she would be a willing accessory to his two-timing Cavell , but that Cavell either would n't realise what was happening or would n't mind if she did .
17 And in the recent article he had read on the subject , even the sergeant in charge of the course had not believed that any woman would take his one piece of infallible advice .
18 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
19 It was generally believed that there was some animosity between ‘ Lenny ’ and Herbert von Karajan , although this has never been shown to be true , so the atmosphere in the Philharmonie was electric .
20 It is generally believed that garlic and tea-tree essences are the most powerful anti-viral oils .
21 It is also generally believed that people with cancer should not be massaged because cancer cells may start to spread to the rest of the body via the lymphatic system .
22 X-ray appearances and function are now both markedly improved despite the fact that it is generally believed that once joint cartilage ( the substance lining the joint space ) has been destroyed it can never be regenerated .
23 To make matters worse it was generally believed that the spirit of the child would remain in the body of the mother , and so for three days after the actual birth the mother had to sit by a wood and bamboo fire and sweat out the child 's spirit so that the child should be completed and the mother freed from what was now an alien spirit inside her .
24 It was also generally believed that , while good works could never of themselves merit salvation , the leading of a saintly life was both a consequence and a sign of one 's elect status .
25 The celebrated Wasp Pendant ( Figure 28 ) came from a rich burial at Mallia , and it is generally believed that at least some of the Aigina Treasure — found at Aigina , but of unknown provenance — came from Mallia too .
26 It is generally believed that persecution by man was the main reason for the extinction of this magnificent bird as a breeding species in Shetland .
27 While Mr Patiño may well be selling to simplify his life after he moves into his new London residence , Mrs Johnson 's reasons for selling are much more controversial , as it is generally believed that the heiress has not paid for the celebrated Badminton Cabinet which she bought at Christie 's , London , in July 1990 for a record £7.6 million ( $15.2 million ) .
28 It was generally believed that this would increase their efficiency in line with private industry .
29 It was generally believed that if services were made available free to all , then they would be used by everyone who needed them .
30 During the 1950s and 1960s it was generally believed that the weak and strong nuclear forces were not renormalizable ; that is , they would require an infinite number of infinite subtractions to make them finite .
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