Example sentences of "[adv] directed at " in BNC.

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1 These threats were not idle , although they were usually only directed at those who did n't do much business .
2 The anger and resentment expressed at every level , from street vendor to middle-class intellectual , was almost entirely directed at Washington , not at him as an individual American .
3 She spoke slowly while controlling her eagerness to spring to her feet , and as she walked across the room beside Silas one of the rafting party gave a low whistle which was obviously directed at her .
4 Her gaze is constantly directed at advertising images which then become her image .
5 Criticisms contained in various Auditor-General 's reports could be just as easily directed at the British public sector .
6 Another device of guestroom rhetoric was to ask questions into the air , not directed at anyone , which expected and received the answer sahha !
7 Yet , thankfully , his leader 's rage was not directed at him , but at the conspiracy of Nadirpur and the French and British Governments to steal the arms shipment that was rightfully the property of Iran .
8 The question that is raised is whether the history of indiscriminate city bombing and the actual use of atomic bombs on cities has vitiated the prohibition on indiscriminate use of weapons , especially the use of weapons not directed at military targets or which inevitably involve disproportionate damage to civilians .
9 those which are not directed at a specific military objective ;
10 If the two eyes are not directed at the same object , double vision results .
11 I 've nothing against young people discovering the beauty of our national parks ( I myself am only 23 ) and my anger is not directed at the offenders themselves , but at the so-called leaders of the group .
12 Butler insists that a particular passion , like that for some particular food , say an apple pie , is not directed at self at all , but at some external object , such as the pie .
13 This statement is not directed at any one set of philosophers .
14 The situation contrasts with that in the United Kingdom where there is no constitutional limitation on treaty-making power , and in the United States where the constitutional amendments are not directed at treaty-making and are more broadly worded .
15 This epistemological criticism is not directed at her political intervention but at her recourse to structuralist account and emphasis on the capacities of capital rather than of class .
16 He informed Prime Minister Kosygin that the ZOPFAN proposal was ‘ not directed at anyone and no one is excluded ’ , that its essence lay in the recognition and harmonisation of the legal interests of all the parties in Southeast Asia , of both the countries actually located in the region and of other powers .
17 One Soviet writer argued in this vein that the EEC proposal was not directed at the neutralisation of Afghanistan at all but at hiding the ‘ undeclared war against the Afghan people ’ .
18 The contempt that narrowed his eyes and thinned his mouth was not directed at her , but at himself .
19 The comment was certainly not directed at Diana .
20 His cruel treatment of her in Act III , Scene I is not directed at her personally , but at the ruthlessness of Claudius ' power over her and treatment of her .
21 The rising , the most extensive popular movement between 1381 and the sixteenth century , was relatively limited in its aims and was certainly not directed at the overthrow of the social order .
22 In fact in Duru [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 2 the Court of Appeal thought that both charges in relation to the thing in action represented by the cheque and to the paper itself were to be upheld but the judges ' minds were not directed at this issue whether property must exist at the time of the obtaining .
23 Obiter the court said that the supply of the drug was not directed at the person of the accused .
24 In the context of the discussion , however , this disagreement is not treated as face-threatening : it is not directed at Brenda 's personal position but at a proposition ( that the existence of " halfcastes " has confused racial boundaries ) which she has articulated and which is now " up for grabs " .
25 Whenever the tension mounted , he defused it with a razor-edged comment , as often as not directed at himself , and so they were able to keep the rising tide of passion at bay .
26 Such schemes were generally directed at all employees , manual , white collar , and managerial , although the percentage of each section attending such courses is unclear .
27 Might I suggest that we ask our MPs to use their influence to stop all advertising and sponsorship of smoking products which are now largely directed at young people ?
28 I was teaching until 1966 and my experience had been largely directed at explanation .
29 The more thoughtful among them point out that although many parts of the service may be over the heads of the kids , it is nevertheless directed at all worshippers and no part of the service ought to be segregated from another .
30 She took the men 's cheers as somehow directed at herself , at her person , not at the food alone , but unlike the chorus that might greet the appearance of some women of the town , they did not place her in danger , and she allowed herself a small smile in acknowledgement , and came forward to set the dish down .
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