Example sentences of "[adv] let she " in BNC.

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1 Oh better let her get away to Coronation Street .
2 I 'd better let her take you home or she 'll eat me alive and spit out the bones . ’
3 Then , curled up in bed that night , she told Fenna that she must not do it anymore , she must not wander off , he must not let her .
4 She even very kindly offered to attend to things , but I would not let her do that because I knew I had to face up to my responsibilities .
5 ‘ Ye 'd better not let her hear that . ’
6 But he would not let her , her stubborn sailor , he held on to her as the walls held on to the moving air within her house .
7 We must not let her down .
8 They would not let her speak at table and made her wear a white canvas apron and a short gown ‘ so that she should be held a fool ’ ; but , said Margery with unholy self-satisfaction , ‘ she was held in more worship than they were , wherever they went ’ .
9 Somehow Margery got to Calais , where she met ‘ divers persons who had known her before ’ ; they would not let her know which ship they were sailing on , but Margery ‘ speered and spied ’ until she found out , and put her luggage aboard .
10 Do not let her win … ’
11 ‘ And do not let her turn around .
12 But he would not let her near , and her heart was saddened because of it .
13 Oh , she knew well enough that if he were to walk through that door now , she would not entertain him ; her pride would not let her .
14 Ernest and Rosie tried to make a start on the repairs , but by then she had discovered that she was pregnant , and Ernest would not let her do any work that might involve strenuous effort .
15 Brewing Nescafé on her own gas-ring and buying solitary quarter pounds of cheese for herself ; and painting one wall geranium red and another cornflower blue and the others white , as she wanted to do at home but her mother would not let her .
16 But Boldwood could not let her go .
17 Annunziata looked in to Julia 's room at fairly frequent intervals to turn her pillows or sponge her hot face , but would not let her try to talk .
18 She wished she could lay claim to a migraine but knew that Betty would not let her , that anyway even she could not be so mannerless as to absent herself from her own picnic , and that even if she did have a blinding migraine she would still have to go .
19 I knew the master would not let her leave the safety of the Grange to go so far , especially as the road to the hills passed close to Wuthering Heights .
20 And there was another thought , too , that would not let her go .
21 So she could not let her go alone but must stand in the crowds being shoved , the smell of greasy food and litter breathed over her in this hot air , and the constant blare of noise grinding at her .
22 He did not let her go , and said hoarsely , ‘ Honoria Greville .
23 She tried to rise to walk , but her legs would not let her .
24 If they did not let her see him until they both appeared before the prince , what wild errors might he not commit in his insecurity ?
25 Bernard would not let her set up Jesus , Mary and Joseph on the mantelpiece even though Christmas was coming .
26 She longed to get home , to question her mother , but her brain would not let her hang on to these indulgences .
27 ‘ But they 'll not let her beyond the parish-union boundary except by way of proper apprenticeship , ’ he added .
28 Her memory did not let her down .
29 He did not let her go , but his grip on her slackened .
30 ‘ You will not let her . ’
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