Example sentences of "[adv] let [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh better let her get away to Coronation Street .
2 I 'd better let her take you home or she 'll eat me alive and spit out the bones . ’
3 This was not what he and Pilger wanted at all — he had better let him know what was happening .
4 And knowing how close Mickey is to him , I thought we had better let him know . ’
5 Looking round , he saw that the young accomplice had retrieved the knife and was pointing it at him like a gun , stammering : ‘ You 'd better let him go , d' you hear ? ’
6 She made for the new extension , hoping she had imagined that speculative look in her young assistant 's eye , and feeling that she 'd better let him think the Palmer & Pearson file had dropped on her desk while he was absent on Friday .
7 ‘ Perhaps you 'd better let me have your name . ’
8 ‘ Here pet , better let me take some of your things . ’
9 You 'd better let me carry you down . ’
10 ‘ You 'd better let me lead , then , ’ said Gurder , in a matter-of-fact voice .
11 Better let me … "
12 You 'd better let me fight my own battle . ’
13 Before I regret the temporary arrival of my better nature , you 'd better let me make a few calls and see what I can do to get you home today . ’
14 ‘ Maybe you 'd better let me down , Frank lad , ’ Jamie said , nudging me hard .
15 ‘ Here , you 'd better let me . ’
16 ‘ Yes , you 'd better let me tell him later . ’
17 You better let me in or I 'll .
18 Yeah well granddad better let me .
19 Better let me watch it , I 'm gon na watch that .
20 You 'd better let us look after you now , ’ or ‘ We 've talked it over , and we 've decided to offer you a home with us . ’
21 ‘ Ah well , in that case , I 'd better let you know that I 've asked Paul Spence to do some of the revision classes for your part of the course . ’
22 I 'd better let you know what we have got in stock just in case there 's anything there that you 're
23 I 'm originally from 80 Km north of there — a wee place called Castlebar and before you start slagging off Mayo footballers , I 'd better let you know I know this year 's hurling result ! ! !
24 ‘ I 'd better let you go in . ’
25 I better let you go .
26 Better let you go had n't I ?
27 Only thirty five of the hundred here think that we er , need this monarchy so let me ask you a final question , do you think Britain , therefore , should be a republic ?
28 And if she would only let me have Annie round ’ — his thumb was wagging again — ‘ the place would be spotless . ’
29 The young man faltered , but managed , ‘ If you 'll only let me show you — ’
30 ‘ Ace , if you 'd only let me explain !
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