Example sentences of "[adv] closely to " in BNC.

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1 Some schools had not related their spending sufficiently closely to the needs of the curriculum or to the reading levels of their pupils .
2 There are stone pots and earthenware ones with luxury glazes , ancient pots that you find at house sales in the country , and , of course , plastic pots which now come textured and coloured so closely to terracotta that they can not be told apart .
3 Few species have adapted so closely to their particular rivers as caddisflies , stoneflies , and mayflies , which , in their turn , have been cunningly imitated for bait by generations of fishermen .
4 Such revolutionaries also complain that by adhering so closely to the old subject divisions , in the past characteristic more of GCE O levels than of the CSE , those who devised the new examination missed a great opportunity .
5 ‘ I STILL ache with a longing to know just what Morrissey 's minions see in the man , what special stardust quality does he possess to endear him so closely to their palpitating hearts .
6 In West Germany the leader of the opposition , Kurt Schumacher , and his Social Democrat Party rejected entry on nationalist grounds , arguing that by binding the country so closely to western states which were also members of a military alliance led by the United States , Adenauer was making the possibility of German reunification even more difficult and remote .
7 The link between awareness of beauty and recognition of the moral good was a fundamental aspect of Plato 's ethical theory , but few writers since Plato have tied awareness of beauty in nature so closely to a deeper notion of the good .
8 Since the unions were tied so closely to the Labour Party , this was important for the party 's standing in the election .
9 Nevertheless , the rewritten version conforms so closely to the original , with just isolated words changed , that it can not reasonably be called a paraphrase .
10 The only important thing , as far as she was concerned , was the gleaming silvery glow in his hooded grey eyes , and the warmth of the hard body pressed so closely to her own .
11 But it took her some moments to understand exactly what he was saying , her senses reeling at the warmth of the hard naked chest pressed so closely to her soft breasts , her nostrils savouring the erotic , musky scent of his skin .
12 ‘ Oh , no ! ’ he gave a deep rumble of laughter , the sound echoing menacingly in her ear , which was pressed so closely to his broad chest .
13 Complete parallelism would exist if every newspaper was linked extremely closely to one or another party … and when , in addition , the number of newspapers in the system was distributed between the parties in proportion to each party 's strength .
14 These techniques were based on theories of human motivation related more or less closely to the work of Maslow ( 1943 ) .
15 The unions also fear that Mr MacGregor wants to link appraisal more closely to teachers ' salary levels , thus creating a merit pay system .
16 In addition , the Rayner review of the service introduced not only cuts but a new philosophy that official figures , which previously had been for the service of the nation as a whole , were now to be tied far more closely to the requirements of the government of the day .
17 The government 's aim is evidently to shift the taxation of motorists on to petrol ; this will link the tax more closely to vehicle use , and so provide a greater incentive to economise on fuel .
18 It is the function of the cognitive analyser to perform in exactly this way and thereby to relate the organism more closely to environmental and social change .
19 In addition to providing a much needed resource you want to enhance the school 's reputation , gain publicity , strengthen the school 's identity or link parents more closely to the school .
20 Some library authorities work out their own average book prices based on accessions to stock , so that the figures relate more closely to their actual needs .
21 There is a central role for specialists who can integrate the formal with the informal , who are able to influence the centres of power , and are committed more closely to the missions of the NHS than just financial reward .
22 The matter was to be brought more closely to the notice of ‘ noblemen , gentlemen and farmers ’ by a circular letter signed by the society 's treasurer , Rev William St John , calling for subscriptions .
23 Both are part of the process of informal education and have developed in answer to a single underlying requirement to adapt more closely to a profession and within it , to a specific job . ’
24 In small firms doing sub-contract work for the large car assembly plants , where the level of unionisation was weak , and management hired and fired labour in line with demand as it rose and fell , the form of work organisation approximated more closely to that which Braverman describes .
25 During the 1960s and 1970s , three explanations in particular gained credence : conservatism ( men innovate , women stick more closely to traditional forms ) ; status consciousness ( women are more sensitive than men to the social meaning of speech and more concerned with elevating their own status through speaking ‘ properly ’ ) ; and feminine identity ( women are expected to talk like ‘ ladies ’ , that is , like middle-class speakers .
26 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
27 Abolitionists thus aspired to make their actual metropolitan and colonial societies conform more closely to these underlying ideas of order .
28 In addition , because of the course of world events , he was turning to look more closely to France for political support .
29 All this suggests that , one way or another , both institutions will be brought more closely to heel by their big shareholders .
30 DEC 's input into the product will be in the fields of usability , multi-media and document management , but the company is also considering how X.desktop might relate more closely to its other desktop platform , Microsoft Windows and NT .
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