Example sentences of "[adv] use the " in BNC.

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1 So we 've cleansed off the cleanser now going to tissue dry Now toner is in a spray bottle , so we 're going to gently use the spray over Molly 's face .
2 You could perhaps use the tip of a pencil as a guide .
3 one could perhaps use the term ‘ society ’ just as well , but the word culture , with its connotations of the way of life of a people , seems preferable because of the potential influence of the curriculum on ideas , beliefs , values and habits .
4 The subsidiary company can only use the ACT in any period throughout which it remains a subsidiary of the surrendering company .
5 Q Whilst still on double jacquard , can you only use the finer yarns ?
6 He could only use the microphone after his two Iraqi assistants had gone home .
7 The latter is calibrated in centimetres , but most people will probably only use the rod as a rough guide .
8 However , the detachment can only use the leadership value of its own parent regiment — it can not move to within 8″ of a different regiment and use its leadership value instead .
9 You can only use the roads in the direction of the arrows .
10 In the real world we have to recognize that we can not convert customers to only use the database .
11 Staff who wish books to be left out may only use the North side tables for this purpose , and then only for limited periods by arrangement with the Library staff .
12 I suppose I could only use the word tons .
13 We will only use the evidence in relation to criminal matters .
14 Worshippers could only play music on Fridays and Sundays , were banned from having a bass drum , and could only use the church between 8am and 10pm .
15 Eventually , Michael Banks just stopped , looked out at the director , and said , ‘ Look , sorry , Peter old boy , I 'd better use the book .
16 Better use the tooth b brush and toothpaste
17 But just cut it out and then she 'll just use the back and she 'll play about with some helping to get some answers to these fractions
18 So we 'll just use the line feed one at a time .
19 If I could just use the phone , I 'll get a taxi . ’
20 To explore what these relationships are let's just use the example of total product , right , so we will be looking at total product curves , right , T P Okay and lets assume that our total product right , is simply a function labour and capital .
21 Or you can just yeah you can just use the sort of line you can see through there .
22 And when I took over the magazine I said let's just use the typefaces that they use in the newspaper and supplement them for some headlines , but try to make it belong in the New York Times .
23 The disk contains a text file containing hints and tips on how to best use the things you find as you travel the worlds of Command Keen .
24 A number of investigations have been carried out to explore ways to best use the probabilistic analyser :
25 Davies , an arable crop specialist , is one of a team of four ICI Fertilizer experts offering ‘ Nitram ’ users a free computer service which pinpoints the exact day when a farmer should apply his product in order that the crop can best use the nitrogen .
26 Oh well we 'll we could we might easily use the corporate video for that .
27 But people did not persistently use the same media in the same way .
28 It could allow you to build an extension to give you a ground floor bathroom an bedroom if you can no longer use the stairs .
29 What was certain was that he could no longer use the escape key .
30 Just as someone has short sight , penicillin allergy or diabetes never recovers from these conditions but can nonetheless do or not do various things that diminish their effects or progress , similarly , sufferers from addictive disease even though they may no longer use the substance or behaviour of addiction .
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