Example sentences of "[adv] tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The stewards inquired into his running but Richard Dunwoody could only tell them that the favourite was ‘ never going .
2 And then : oh , please , if there have to be more lies , at least let me only tell them to other people , not to myself any more .
3 ‘ At the moment we can only tell them apart by taking a sneaky look at the name-tags in their jumpers .
4 If I did , you 'd only tell them where I 'd gone . ’
5 ‘ I had never heard of this before , and you can imagine the complaints from customers , we could only tell them once the police had told us .
6 On his way home from college , he had managed to slip into the bookshop and grab a few quick words with Joe on the pretext of asking for a book , but the small , stout man could only tell him more or less what he already knew .
7 The caller would only tell her his name was Klaus .
8 He can only tell me to eff off .
9 ‘ I think they would both probably only tell me after the event about having sex for the first time but as long as I have helped prepare them they wo n't do anything silly .
10 She could only tell me that Wesley 's father had left home when he was about six years old , that his mother had remarried and the boy now lived with her and his stepfather .
11 Never mind , you 'll only tell me and I do n't want to know .
12 And her identical twin sister Anne could only tell she was sobbing by her trembling chin .
13 I can only tell you what I think I 'd do in your position and it is this .
14 I can only tell you that it is intended to be read by a very limited circle of people in the medical profession .
15 I can only tell you that had I done that …
16 A company representative or agent will only tell you about his own firm 's plans and so his advice will be limited .
17 I can only tell you my philosophy towards this aspect of our off-screen work .
18 I can only tell you how it was for me .
19 They 'll only tell you if they 're doing it anyway .
20 I can actually recall a press release which came to me about a a principal tourism officer who had just been appointed to be the head , you know the president for the year of his professional body , and in his own town a press release was put out in which his name was incorrectly spelt , and the conference at which he was about to be invested was actually taking , and I blush to say that it was in Brighton , I can only tell you when I got that press release I did what I frequently do , which is outline in highlighter the mistakes on the press release , put it back into the envelope and send it back to the relevant officer .
21 Her curiosity had been whetted rather than slaked , because Zambia could only tell it as far as SHe understood , and hirs was not a scientific mind by any standard .
22 They will only tell us that a Jewish prophet called Jesus lived , preached , fell foul of the authorities and was executed .
23 Similarly , the Rowdies have always made their presence felt — as any ‘ old-timer ’ will eagerly tell you .
24 It will often enough tell you what it is he should do next .
25 B : [ pragmatically interpreted particle ] the milkman came at some time prior to the time of speaking Yet it is clear to native speakers that what would ordinarily be communicated by such an exchange involves considerably more , along the lines of the italicized material in ( 3 ) : ( 3 ) A : Do you have the ability to tell me the time of the present moment , as standardly indicated on a watch , and if so please do so tell me B : No I do n't know the exact time of the present moment , but I can provide some information from which you may be able to deduce the approximate time , namely the milkman has come ( see R. Lakoff , 1973a ; Smith & Wilson , 1979 : 172ff for a discussion of such examples ) .
26 Oh I could n't rightly tell you what the number of hens would be that er maybe within maybe er thirty dozen eggs in the week or so .
27 Since this is not a tourist guide , I 'll merely tell you we spent a whole morning there , and did n't see half of it .
28 Coleen listened to his amorous overtures of love never doubting his sincerity , but she still wanted to be sure and she tried to gently tell him so ; she had to be sure before she said ‘ yes ’ .
29 We had better tell him nothing. , It was the second cover-up of the day .
30 Done half a day I suppose we 'd better tell him that we 're taping
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