Example sentences of "[adv] eight years " in BNC.

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1 A pirate radio station , which was forced to close down eight years ago , is back on the air — but this time it 's completely legal .
2 In the twentieth century er the president who did most to , to develop the office further was , was Franklin Roosevelt , Theodore 's cousin er and Franklin Roosevelt , who became president in , in the nineteen thirties and the time of the great depression , and remained president for , till nineteen forty five so He was president for thirteen years er and his political opponents were so upset by this that they actually amended the constitution afterwards to prevent any future president from serving more than two terms of as president , so eight years is the maximum that anyone can serve as president .
3 Certainly , only eight years ago , when the other sectors were given clearly defined briefs , the lumping of unprofitable passenger services into a somewhat negatively titled ‘ Other Provincial Services ’ produced a kind of dustbin sector .
4 The result was a stunning , white lace dress — an impressive feat made all the more amazing by the fact that Sherine was only eight years old !
5 Currently US proven reserves represent only eight years ' production .
6 ( Wilkie had left the Academy only eight years previously , so his reputation there was still high ) .
7 It could be only eight years before he becomes King William V. But unlike his father , he will be well equipped for another role — that of partner and parent .
8 Though his press lasted only eight years , it gave an impetus to later fine work which it is difficult to overestimate .
9 This was a formidable programme for a king whose father had been defeated and captured by the English only eight years earlier , and who had agreed to a treaty which conceded a Greater Aquitaine in full sovereignty to Edward III ; but in the sixteen years of his reign Charles achieved each one of these objects except the last , and even though he did not attack and destroy England , French and Castilian naval raids along the south coast induced a sense of panic and defensiveness unknown in England since the very earliest months of the war .
10 She was only eight years old , but she worked all day like an adult .
11 It is wholly contrary to the philosophy of the Layfield Report published only eight years before rate-capping was enacted .
12 Within the space of only eight years , although desperately ill and while painting and illustrating as well , he completed some sixty short stories , all later published posthumously , three novels , and a quarter of a million words of journals .
13 So it 's erm out of the question to , basically , to adopt , unless you 're early twenties and have maybe perhaps eight years to wait .
14 Barbara Windsor and Steve Hollings — together eight years
15 We 've been together eight years now — so we 're over the seven year itch , not that I had one .
16 I , too , have been employed in the catering industry for approximately eight years and hold similar qualifications to those of Mr Stewart .
17 That was the slide of approximately eight years ago .
18 His notebooks show him hesitating between reminiscence ( ‘ It was exactly eight years ago ’ ) and testimony during trial ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell everything ’ ) .
19 Then there are the imports : 83,000 tonnes of toxic waste enter British ports annually for incineration or other treatment , a figure which has increased 20-fold in just eight years .
20 Sinead 's torment began when she was just eight years old .
21 He took up archery just eight years ago and in that time has become a national instructor , teaching people of all ages , as well as reaching the championships .
22 But when I think it would have been just eight years from completion now , up to a height of about 400 feet , I think it 's sad we did n't get permission to build it .
23 Her father would not remember her either because she was no longer eight years old and heartbroken .
24 Electric street lamps were still eight years away in the future , in 1894 , and 1,000 years away from the old pre-Suggs rat-tail burners and the ‘ Rat-Tail ’ men who lit them .
25 I am a male working with young children under eight years old and have been involved , to a greater or lesser degree for almost ten years .
26 Nigel had been a very heavy smoker but had given it up eight years earlier , as had I.
27 Hugh you 've been minister of the parish of Inverleith here in Edinburgh for the past seventeen years , and I understand you were one of the very first vice convenors of the Board when it was set up eight years ago having already served the church on the former Interchurch Relations Committee .
28 ‘ This expansion fulfils our best hopes when the project started up eight years ago .
29 But er up the shop , we 've been up there about fifty five years , from the time we give up eight years ago , you see .
30 America 's visible-trade deficit narrowed to $4.0 billion in March , thanks to lower imports ; it was the smallest monthly deficit for nearly eight years .
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