Example sentences of "[adv] wanted [be] " in BNC.

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1 All his kind generally wanted was a quick flirtation , an acquiescent woman , and a no-strings parting the following morning .
2 You look at your life , and it 's like all the good things you ever wanted are loaded up onto a train that you did n't run quite fast enough to catch .
3 Jesus , all I ever wanted was to love you , you to love me . ’
4 ‘ All we ever wanted was for for Laura to get back to health and be able to go out and play with Louis , ’ said Fran who is expecting her third child .
5 All I ever wanted was you . ’
6 Sainte-Engrâce was until very recently a remote settlement , because the road into the valley was also the only road out ; as a consequence it had a fine tradition for smuggling , since the last thing Basque smugglers ever wanted was good roads along which they might be pursued by excise men far less agile or locally knowledgeable than themselves .
7 All they ever wanted was not to launch a crusade , but to find out what was happening .
8 All she ever wanted was a
9 Filmer , I was interested to see as I distributed glasses , was smiling pleasantly in all directions , when the last thing he probably wanted was the enormous smash-hit the train enterprise was proving .
10 What he really wanted was a two-tier price structure , with inaccessible places of ‘ secondary importance ’ facing a surcharge .
11 And of course sometimes during this apprenticeship Boy knew that what he really wanted was not to be taught to be one of us , not to be taught how to be a man at all , but to be reassured that he might somehow remain a boy forever .
12 All he really wanted was to be next to O ; and you could see that the whole time he was listening , watching .
13 What I really wanted was the nigger , or mibbe the navy .
14 Oh yes , very tasteful , sir , a very speaking likeness I 'm sure , and such tactility in the brushwork , but what we really wanted was a while-you-wait snapshot , a quid the strip of four down the machine .
15 In fact at the risk of sounding patronizingly sexist , I would be prepared to bet that what Manuela really wanted was to get married , settle down and have lots of children .
16 What I really wanted was to bash him to smithereens .
17 What she really wanted was to go on the pill , but as her doctor was a close family friend , she could n't face asking him .
18 Try eating a small amount of a low-fat , high-carbohydrate food before each meal , otherwise you may stuff yourself in a futile attempt to be satiated then eat a rich pudding anyway , since all you really wanted was the carbohydrate .
19 I remember that one of us , I can not recall which , made the cynical remark that what we really wanted was a similar type of aircraft to the one that had crashed , in which the auto-pilot could be connected up with the flight recorder — then we investigators could just sit and watch the accident happen all over again .
20 All I really wanted was to teach quietly in a sleepy public school , to marry a nice quiet girl and to sleep my way through life …
21 All she really wanted was to see him out of the house .
22 He knew it would take great care and he knew also — inadmissible , subversive thought — that what he really wanted was to live with her here , securely , for the rest of his life : that was the earthly promise of the revelation at Hause Point .
24 What I really wanted was something dry , yet light and expressive .
25 What he really wanted was to get rid of Bagshot .
26 I think what he really wanted was an outline of the parish .
27 It all sounded so polite and formal , when what she really wanted was to put her arms around him and have him hold her , kiss her , tell her that he had forgiven her , but that would be like trying to turn the clock back , and there was no way they could do that .
28 I think what I really wanted was … domination . ’
29 ‘ By then , I knew that what I really wanted was to become a designer . ’
30 But what Kenneth really wanted was to be where the action is , on the footplate .
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