Example sentences of "[adv] vital [that] " in BNC.

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1 At any rate , it 's apparently vital that I see this chap .
2 It was obviously vital that he should somehow get into Vic 's shed unseen .
3 This is why it is so vital that the EC 's half-hearted plans to deregulate its airlines after 1992 should be strengthened , not diluted .
4 The supply of Iron ore for the German war machine was so vital that Hitler ordered the invasion of Denmark and Norway , and that started on 9th .
5 Air is so vital that it is only possible to live for a few minutes without it .
6 When I took my practical working examinations , making tree ties was worth a lot of marks and considered so vital that candidates who failed their tying failed tree planting , however well they did otherwise .
7 Warranties ‘ are other obligations which , though they must be performed , are not so vital that a failure to perform them goes to the substance of the contract . ’
8 Whatever else may be done to improve public respect for law and order and a love of the truth , it is utterly vital that the sowing of the seeds of conscience be started in the young at the very beginnings of their lives .
9 If hypnosis in any form is to be taken seriously , then it is even more vital that hypnotic regression is treated with due respect .
10 The dog flea acts as an intermediate host for the larvae of the common tapeworm , Dipylium caninum which makes it even more vital that flea infestations should be controlled .
11 This makes it all the more vital that a proper understanding of the hydro-dynamic relationships at work in the marine environment is gained .
12 This makes it all the more vital that a proper understanding of the hydro-dynamic relationships at work in the marine environment is gained .
13 Makes it even more vital that we start beating teams like Spurs/Everton etc .
14 It is also vital that a targeted desirable behaviour is taught to the child to compete with the punished behaviour .
15 It 's also vital that your shades make the grade .
16 It is also vital that any incident or accident involving the emergency services ( police , fire or ambulance ) is notified to Peter Bateman at Felcourt as soon as possible so that he is briefed to dal with consequent media enquiries .
17 The size of a corpus is not the only important factor , it is also vital that the corpus be ‘ balanced ’ .
18 Richard Branson regarded it as vital that Virgin should win the case .
19 From the words of my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State , it is clear that he regards it as vital that King 's Cross should go ahead as an essential part of the entire project .
20 It is equally vital that both should be mentioned , otherwise a client , particularly a buyer , could be seriously misled .
21 It was particularly vital that no counsellor mention that man 's name " to a servant or to anyone else : for the individual concerned is all too likely to become very upset , even desperate , or , worst of all , to fall into infidelity .
22 And erm for a small coffee grower , i it 's quite vital that they have some financial credit .
23 It is absolutely vital that the transformer is wired correctly to avoid any unpleasant occurrences !
24 Of his specific criticisms , he cautioned , ‘ It 's absolutely vital that they not be taken out of context ’ and that every ‘ significant ’ matter was ‘ satisfactorily resolved ’ and that he consistently blessed IBM with clean audit opinions .
25 It is absolutely vital that the access notes in the guide are respected if the popular climbing area of Upper Pen Trwyn is not to be lost permanently .
26 Ergo , to get ratings it was absolutely vital that the ITV chiefs broadcast programmes geared to attract a maximum audience .
27 It was absolutely vital that we got customer feedback and the branch survey was born . ’
28 Conference , it is absolutely vital that those people are protected .
29 However , does the Minister accept that it is absolutely vital that disposal of such waste should be carried out in the safest possible way ?
30 We therefore feel it is absolutely vital that if there is to be a new settlement , it should come forward through the structure plan .
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