Example sentences of "[adv] expect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a report published on Aug. 30 , 1991 , the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development found that after the UK economy had entered " a sharp recession in the summer of 1990 " , a " modest economic recovery " was " widely expected towards mid-year [ 1991 ] " .
2 The Dutch are widely expected to be the first to try it .
3 Chuter was widely expected to be offered the new position , and Spracklen believes that his offer to take it on unpaid was ‘ an embarrassment ’ to the ARA .
4 Nevertheless , although possessing a less extensive grant of power , the Commission was widely expected to be the dynamic element in further moves towards integration .
5 Gamsakhurdia 's term was to last only until direct presidential elections which the Supreme Soviet scheduled for May 26 , but he was widely expected to be returned to office .
6 In December he supported the formation of a new Moslem organization ( the Association of Moslem Intellectuals ) , which united a broad spectrum of Moslem interests and was widely expected to be the basis of support for his candidacy in 1993 [ see p. 37919 ] .
7 Also replaced in the ensuing Cabinet reshuffle was Petroleum Resources Minister Jibril Aminu , who was widely expected to be a candidate in the presidential elections scheduled for Dec. 5 .
8 The next step in that process is widely expected to be the sale next week of Cockburn 's of Leith , a wine merchant subsidiary .
9 Jiang is widely expected to be named China 's president in addition to his current post during the annual meeting of the National People 's Congress that begins on Monday .
10 Winner of the South African Grand Prix on Sunday , Prost had been widely expected to be banned for one or more races or heavily fined .
11 The increases were widely expected after the abolition of tax on new car purchases in last year 's Autumn Statement but were nonetheless condemned by the Automobile Association and the Royal Automobile Club .
12 Mr Kinnock is not obliged to include Mr McNamara in his first Cabinet but it is widely expected in the province that the Liverpool-born Roman Catholic would assume the portfolio that he has shadowed for more than five years .
13 With a ground offensive widely expected in 1984 , Iran 's President Ali Khamenei described closure as an option his country was indeed contemplating .
14 He can be a ‘ character ’ , a source of quaint rustic humour or homespun rural philosophy on such matters as the seasons and the weather , but he is rarely expected to be either forward-thinking or ‘ forward ’ in his demeanour .
15 I 've heard in fac er in my factory , I 've heard it in other places , right , when a temporary l temporary or casual worker goes down the road , or a part-timer work 's cut short , ah it 's only a casual and he only expected to be here for a few weeks .
16 It is not intended to provide the detail that is rightly expected by the local communities who live and work in close proximity to our operations , and which we provide through locally published reports .
17 Since it was obviously expected of him , he took his right hand off the wheel and put his arm around her shoulders .
18 An Owen West title , so expect about two-thirds of the sales that he would get for a new one .
19 In the Junior School we are determined to keep pace with current thought and practice identified in the recent national initiatives while maintaining the traditional standards of excellence which parents rightly expect of George Heriot 's .
20 Yet rehabilitation was only expected for a minority about 25 per cent — of all the children in the study .
21 ‘ On that terrible night he showed devotion to duty at a level not only expected by the London Fire Brigade and the public , but well beyond it . ’
22 Because each and every one of our guests is treated with the inimitable style and personal attention that you could only expect from such a grand hotel .
23 But the future of this airline could be decided much sooner than that , and with it the levels of service and fares we can all expect on long haul flights .
24 Potential carers will naturally expect to be thoroughly vetted and would be required to undertake an eight-week training course before being entrusted with the care of a child , which could take anything up to six months .
25 Sometimes the required information is about what tests are going to be performed and why ; the results of tests ; the medical diagnosis , particularly if , for example , heart disease or cancer are suspected ; how long to expect to be away from work and so on .
26 Nenna told him , without much expecting to be believed , that she lived on Battersea Reach .
27 Some fathers seemed to have invested hopes in their daughters of the kind we normally expect to be invested in sons :
28 Now the temps an and the two new business people for example have definitely had an impact on our ability to be as productive as you normally expect to be .
29 ‘ Meeting her ’ , reported the interviewer to his male ( presumably ) compatriots ‘ shocked me into realizing how little we normally expect from women . ’
30 It also allows all the fading and mixing features you normally expect from broadcast television .
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