Example sentences of "[adv] difficult it " in BNC.

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1 The battle took place on a Saturday , 14 October : because the armies were so evenly matched and the ground so difficult it lasted eight hours , a great time in a world where a decision was usually reached in just over two hours .
2 No one knows why you do it I mean you you know you know what you should be doing , and it 's not difficult it 's just so boring .
3 ‘ The more radical the slogans , the more difficult it is for us the day after in the corridors of power in Moscow . ’
4 The larger the largest structure in the universe the more difficult it becomes to reconcile it with the uniform distribution of matter in the early universe .
5 To go on thus is like walking up an ever-narrowing blind alley : the further you go the more difficult it is to turn about ; the more certain and greater the ultimate disaster .
6 The more viscous the lava , the more difficult it is to force it through a vent , and the vent may well become blocked with a slow-moving or stationary plug of lava .
7 The more this principle is understood and the more firmly it is adhered to , whether in practical or in theoretical subjects , the more difficult it will be for a school to organize its teaching .
8 The more distant in time an issue is to current industry concerns , the more difficult it is for managers to establish that it applies to their business in some significant way ( relevancy ) and that it should be addressed now ( urgency ) .
9 The less you have of it as , for example , in a short face-to-face contact , the more difficult it is to impress and/or influence .
10 Try judging distances in an unfamiliar place with just one eye open , for instance , or notice how much more difficult it is to put your finger on a particular spot when one eye is shut .
11 Sometimes the harder you try to stay calm the more difficult it becomes .
12 To make it a little more difficult it is a good idea to make the children use their alternative hand .
13 She realised with a sinking heart that the longer her mother-in-law remained at the Manor , the more difficult it would be to dislodge her .
14 This is something which many flyers find to be extremely difficult and here , as before , the longer you delay the potentially more difficult it becomes .
15 The more uncertain and defensive you are , the more difficult it will be to attain your objectives .
16 The longer they have been Christians and the more they have been preoccupied with their Christian activities , the more difficult it becomes to relate their beliefs to the perceived needs of their friends .
17 In this search the closer one gets to home the more difficult it becomes .
18 As a general rule , the older and more stable the community , the more difficult it is to penetrate .
19 The obvious problem with information about credit is that , the more people need it ( that is , the groups shown above as most ill-informed about credit , and most likely to use unnecessarily high-cost credit ) the more difficult it is to make sure it reaches them .
20 The longer they had delayed acting , the more difficult it had become for them to act .
21 I am not underestimating him because that would be a serious mistake , but the greater our fear the more difficult it is to view him with that clinical detachment so vital for survival .
22 The more powerful the car the more difficult it is to handle . ’
23 The longer one is so possessed , the more difficult it is to exorcise the sasoo spirit , since , ‘ like a real spouse ’ , it merges with the very flesh and bone of the victim .
24 It became a desperate struggle to get them on ; the longer it took the more difficult it became as my fingers became numb and useless .
25 In contrast , the more experiences and activities are such that we find it hard to make sense of them existing or occurring in isolation , the more difficult it will be , on Moore 's principles , to find anything of real inherent value in them .
26 The greater the involvement with those goals , attitudes and feelings , the more difficult it is to change people 's perceptions and to resolve the conflict .
27 The ghost of the Duke of Windsor haunted the minds of the family , patently aware that the older he became the more difficult it would be to find a virginal , Protestant aristocrat to be his bride .
28 The closer the inspection , the less like a ‘ classical ’ demographic transition the British record seems to be , and the more difficult it is to attribute its timing directly to the development of an urban-industrial society ( Woods 1987 ) .
29 The further the cut-off point is reduced below 100 per cent , however , the more difficult it becomes to specify what has been learned .
30 But the more extensive and varied the corpus of writings , the more difficult it is to identify a common set of linguistic habits .
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