Example sentences of "[adv] at about " in BNC.

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1 Taylor led off eight Hurricanes in V7671 , climbing to 28,000 feet , when many Ju87s were seen below at about 10,000 feet just as the A.A. barrage opened up against them .
2 Expense ratio is around 16% against a market average of about 30% ( but if it takes into account the cost of selling and servicing ‘ add-on products ’ such as legal expenses insurance and moves other costs into claims cost , as competitors do , it is down at about 13% ) .
3 I maintained my height over this , diving the extra off , rounded out and touched down at about 250 metres into the field .
4 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
5 ‘ I am a little surprised , Dr Neil , ’ said McAllister prim again , but managing to sneak another biscuit — she really did feel hungry and breakfast would not be served until Matey came down at about seven-thirty — ‘ that you have seen fit to buy it . ’
6 Now if you just press the return key a couple of times right , and have a lot of actual and fitted , if you go into option three in the data post depression menu you will notice that the fit of our model is very very different right , so we are now getting a very very good correspondence between actual and fitted , notice that in our original model the thing started to break down at about nineteen thirty , right , just by allowing the intercept to vary , right , over the wartime we 've now got a much better fit throughout the whole period why is that the case ?
7 Though weather disrupted loading at fields which transfer supplies to tankers , the firm said that total production from UK fields was just 5 per cent down at about 1.9 million barrels per day ( bpd ) .
8 Yeah , yeah six minutes past the hour so there , yeah , so they kept giving you doubts , now if you 're getting on this train make sure you get out at Lemington , so at about twenty past twelve , the twelve six went out from platform eleven , why , cos that will upset everything then , by , few of the trains kept coming round , then they said were very sorry but the Shrewsbury train will come in at platform ten that 's where we 're all waiting , so the ready train be outside somewhere , so , that came in just as the , the twelve , six went out about twenty past twelve these in and this girl got up so we said do n't get on this , you 'll never get to Birmingham you get on here , wait until we get on we said , cos they changed the train , oh she was getting all worked up , she come from Middlesborough , well I said well , well , anyway , we said no , there , there 's no trains for university no , nobody will be going at the right time will they ?
9 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
10 Stakes for the lottery itself are likely to be £1 a time , with the other games costing less at about 50 pence a time .
11 A typical moggie is intermediate between these two extremes , with a tom weighing in at about 10 lbs and a queen at 8 lbs .
12 ‘ Will you pop some dumplings in at about twenty to twelve ?
13 The steam crane , built by Ransomes and Rapier in 1944 and weighing in at about 142 tons , was eased into the head-stunt after the incident .
14 The few ships out in the harbour sent up fireworks and flares , and the low hills around town echoed with the wail of sirens and foghorns — at least until the dark did set in at about three in the morning .
15 The meltem cut in at about 1100 , immediately after the Blox returned from the shore in the inflatables , bearing the round loaves ordered the previous night in the tiny restaurant among the ruins .
16 My mum came in at about 07.15 , holding out my black suit and a white shirt that she had just ironed .
17 Erm sell for about eighty seven pound including spacers so I was gon na go in at about eighty three , eighty four but it 's the new pricing company so I 've got to ask your permission have n't I ?
18 ‘ My son rushed in at about seven o'clock after seeing ambulances and said that ICI was on fire . ’
19 it was on a Friday , it was her day off , she got called in at about three o'clock and they told her then , it was two weeks ago now
20 In the US , where the government is the only major backer , research has limped along at about half a million dollars a year .
21 It should cruise along at about fifty at , you know , quarter throttle .
22 Others put the current figure for the Roman Catholics alone at about 1,500,000 , the majority of whom came from the Hungarian and German minorities .
23 The trestles supporting shallow wooden trays painted blue , red or yellow , and which have the vendor 's name and telephone number roughly inscribed on the front , these are all folded away at about twelve-thirty , until the next day .
24 But before the Salvation Army took it over , it was a , a Borough Council property , which was leased to a f Jewish company in London , and they used to send a manager , at this lodging house and these were then let nightly at about ten pence per night .
25 There 's no music policy beyond the basic house/garage starting point , but Sasha , taking over at about 5am , continues a mission to pick out the beautiful kick and rush in techno and its derivatives .
26 It is interesting to not that the values achieved in 1989 were broadly at about three times the turnover seen in these outlets , whereas today , a multiplier of approximately one , to one and a quarter times turnover , is far more appropriate .
27 ‘ We had such a sweet leave-taking yesterday at about four o'clock .
28 The raiders drove into the mainline station yesterday at about 7pm in a blue van after the train containing mailbags had pulled in .
29 Do you know what Gary yesterday at about nine o'clock he fancied a pizza , he said that he fancied a pizza , er Aaron come on in , pizza and erm garlic bread to go with it , well I thought I 'm going in town so he 's got that for tonight now
30 Injury statistics and trends show that after substantial reductions in recent decades , employees fatalities appear to be levelling off at about 1.6 per 100 000 employees and that the reported major injury rate for employees has been stable over the last three years .
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