Example sentences of "[adv] [det] aware " in BNC.

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1 She was only half aware that Rachel was heavily subsidising her rent , because she was living in a part of London and a sort of house so different from her friends that she had no easy comparisons .
2 Bristol is only half aware that in the entrance hall and staircase hall of the Royal Fort it has a masterwork of European significance that ranks easily alongside Frederick the Great 's interiors at Sans Souci .
3 As instability of h is extremely common , it is remarkable that careful scholars could have been so much aware of this type of evidence , but could nevertheless have rejected it .
4 But now , as you 're probably all aware , this has changed .
5 Are we not well enough aware that on the screen , as on the page , good news is no news ?
6 He had performed the last rites earlier , when Patrick was at least half aware , and perhaps even knew what was happening and assented to it .
7 They now seemed too cautious , too reluctant to admit to the most defective aspects of the post-medieval Catholic tradition , too little aware of the real situation in the Church of the southern hemisphere ( whose voice was heard remarkably little in the Council 's debates ) .
8 From my visit to Lhasa last year , I am very much aware of the implications for the Tibetan people of Chinese colonialism and its policy of apartheid .
9 The action takes place thousands of miles from ‘ the perennial roar of London ’ , but the reader remains very much aware of London and the civilization it stands for as moral standards crumble ; ‘ savage ’ and ‘ white man ’ become confused until the conduct of the whites , intent on mutual destruction , seems worse than that of ‘ these poor souls — and even Sally Day , the child of cannibals , in all likelihood a cannibal himself — so faithful to what they knew of good ’ .
10 Until a few weeks ago she had been scarcely aware of him except as a friendly and familiar face in class ; but now , now she was very much aware of him — and he was very definitely aware of her ; much to Erika 's embarrassment sitting with her and Rosa at lunch , at the next desk in class , asking her out to the cinema and even , to Erika 's amazement and , she suspected , his own , offering to help Paul with his homework — in the Nordern home , that is — an offer declined both by Erika and Paul , although Paul did corner Fritz in school and suggest to him that if he actually did the homework then he , Paul , would further his , Fritz 's , courtship of Erika ; Paul being shrewd enough to guess the motive behind Fritz 's philanthropic gesture even though the square on the hypotenuse might remain a mystery to him .
11 He was very much aware too , of the stern expression on Christopher 's face .
12 And with the help of naturalists and ecologists ( and some of the best are very much aware of these added dimensions to their subjects ) it becomes possible to do consciously what has so far remained in the instinctive realm .
13 John Thwaites , born in the dale in 1917 , was very much aware of certain subtleties .
14 She 's very much aware of what is going on around her , even though she 's working on her latest project .
15 In the heady talk thereafter , Ramsay for one was very much aware of the lack of any particular tactics being put forward ; all was generalities , and high-flown ones at that , almost as though the battle was already won .
16 ‘ The players of today are very much aware of the pressures of the club 's history .
17 Mozart was himself very much aware of his own unique talents , but they did not correspond with any unique saintliness of character .
18 Sub-lieutenant Bacci , very much aware of the Marshal 's enormous eyes fixed upon him , began his questioning rather hesitantly .
19 When Miss Ada Wilkerson and eight others inaugurated the Sutton Coldfield Society of Artists in 1947 , they were very much aware that Sutton Coldfield was a town in its own right .
20 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
21 She smiled at Matt across the bowl of fruit he had put on the table , her perceptions heightened by the relaxed atmosphere of the evening , very much aware of the bloom on the grapes , the green of the apples , the soft fuzz on the peaches .
22 He is very much aware that it is accompanied by a veiled or growing threat of trouble if he does not co-operate .
23 Because he 's very much aware of what the Tories are doing to the Health Service same as the rest of the cabinet .
24 They are all very much aware of that . "
25 He was young , alert , very much aware of the opposite sex , and with a personal taste which apparently inclined strongly towards her type .
26 Theodora was very much aware of his charm which seemed to stem not just from pleasant good looks but from a kind of inner confidence .
27 We are very much aware that initiatives involving major revisions of the curriculum have significant resource implications for institutions as well as for SCOTVEC and , for this reason , we have decided that a phased introduction would be appropriate for the revision of advanced courses .
28 Now she was very much aware of it .
29 She was very much aware of her state of dress and warmth seemed to be flooding through her .
30 We in this country are very much aware of the problem .
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