Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] about " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , fog can overwhelm the city on as many as 15 days in a winter month , while that will happen on only about 2 days a month in summer .
2 But it was only somewhere about thirty degrees Celsius and after a few days I had become accustomed to the change in temperature .
3 But even in the least conducive conditions , with no wind , you should be able make a properly held-off touch down within about two fuselage lengths of your chosen spot .
4 ‘ You 've got Connah 's Quay , Flint , Holywell and Mold all within about 12 miles of each other , as well as ourselves just up the road , ’ says Jones .
5 Perhaps only about 30 per cent of jobs within UDG-supported schemes were new to the area , although of these , three-quarters were new to the national economy .
6 Did n't have a great long list , perhaps only about six or ten major P L C's .
7 As a matter of interest , Mr Rees took a head count , asking how many members in the hall were aware of the impending changes ; apparently only about 30 per cent of the audience knew of the proposed amendments .
8 got home late last night — left N. at 2.30 which was 1.30pm our time and then got , just — with literally only about four minutes to spare once he had rung me , the 6pm train from Kings Cross .
9 By the end of 1337 Edward had committed himself to spending £124,000 on his allies , and his parliamentary grants would bring in only about £38,000 a year .
10 Overlap of turns occurs in only about 5 per cent of conversation or less , strongly suggesting that speakers somehow know exactly when and where to enter ( Ervin-Tripp 1979 ) .
11 The answer to his first point is that it is absolutely clear that a number of people who break their bail conditions are remanded in custody when they are brought back to the court ; but that happens in only about six out of 10 cases , and in four out of 10 cases when those who break their bail conditions are brought back to the court , it seems that they are no longer remanded in custody but are again let out on bail .
12 A big avon , bulk shotted in only about three feet of racing water .
13 I says he 's only away about ten minutes .
14 anyway he walked , he was only away about twenty minutes you know he wanted to get the car and for me to drive I thought well er
15 Yet we have adapted our lives , more or less , to the motor car ; the early legislation was progressively modified as technology advanced and attitudes changed until , by a process of social adaptation and general education , the current road traffic regulations and the Highway Code together just about control the monster .
16 talk to the dentist 's say kids have got to wear braces , so just about everybody has been told
17 You get much above about fifty people you perhaps do need a some technical assistance with the power .
18 If you want to know why Phillipe Starck appears in just about every magazine , why Tokyo is still the in-place for designers , and why no one gives a tinker 's cuss about public design , your chance to find out is at a public debate next Friday under the gaze of Rubens 's corpulent characters on the painted ceiling of the Banqueting House in Whitehall .
19 With a neck that 's 3⅝″ wide instead of the ‘ normal ’ 3¼″ , the Grand Stick has space for twelve strings arranged in just about any format you can think of .
20 Ed Riverton was a top executive in INCUBUS , the great American banking syndicate which was spreading its tentacles across Europe , investing in just about every type of company which existed .
21 Will be allowed in just about a minute from now to do some air guitarring .
22 We then had to get back to the car , and after a detour that took in just about all of the countryside , we arrive back at the airport for the flight home .
23 Farmers in Europe have just completed their IACS forms which in theory detail what is grown , farmed and subsidised in just about every field throughout the European Community .
24 Once a nest was parasitised , mortality among the legitimate nest occupants was generally higher , especially just about the time that the minnows laid their eggs .
25 I 've gone round the car twice , I thought , that ai n't stopped but I did , you do n't realise it 's stopped cos I did n't hear the bib bib bib bib bib there 's so much foam anyway you do n't realise there 's none coming out the like fine dribbles coming out of fucking put the back , put the jets bit on he rinsed it all down just about got it rinsed and then it gives you like erm a blob like a wax blob , so I put that on there I thought
26 I remember the over-eager , gaping mouths and outstretched necks , as well as those who could only just about lift their eyelids and had to have the food forced down their throats so that they would have the strength to keep fighting for life .
27 It 's a bit like somebody sort of can only just about kick a ball and you say , We 'll make him our centre forward .
28 Thinking of his earlier remark , Cassie said bluntly : ‘ Well , I 've only just about got one foot in the middle class bracket , myself , so perhaps you 'd be slumming if you made love to me , which is so obviously what you have in mind . ’
29 Besides , Alf can only just about drag hisself to the King 's Arms and back once a day , and then e's finished .
30 It should be visited only before about 8am , or after 5pm when the light is at its best , and certainly could n't be photographed successfully at any other time .
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