Example sentences of "[adv] [art] bank " in BNC.

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1 Eventually the Bank will be required as lender of last resort .
2 The , the note is in fact er effectively the Bank of , could have endorsed it to , to a third party so to speak exactly as it would have done in any er any fiscal currency of the er of the type .
3 He ran down the bank , Lee following him .
4 Lee was being dragged down the bank .
5 The swallows flitted round Marie as she ran down the bank .
6 Delia had taken her for a walk in the park and Mrs Miniver — always an inquisitive ‘ person ’ by nature — had squeezed through railings alongside the river and promptly slid down the bank into the water .
7 A class B1 comes down the bank from Woodhouse on an up train — the photo was taken from a footbridge .
8 Feet slithered in the mud halfway down the bank .
9 Kicking down the side-rest as he jumped clear , he spun round in time to see Mariana slide down the bank .
10 Jenny dashed down the bank to the river and pulled off her shoes and socks .
11 It was Sarah , who , on her knees in the mould of the wood , had looked up on hearing Donald 's cries and seen the runaway pram careering down the bank .
12 White-faced , her eyes wide with fright , Christine raced down the bank to the pram .
13 Suddenly it slipped from his hand and rolled down the bank into the water .
14 ‘ Silly cow , ’ he breathed , as he ran down the bank into the yard , ‘ she 'll probably go cold on me while I 'm buggering about over here . ’
15 Feeling completely happy , she made her way towards the summer house set on high ground a little further down the bank .
16 Davis seized one end and started down the bank to where the horse was fast in the mud .
17 Rolling down the bank at an ever-increasing speed , Daniel was unable to prevent himself falling into the chill waters of the canal .
18 Rober Mazur can reasonably claim to have done more than anyone else to bring down the Bank of Credit and Commerce International .
19 The soldier looked over the parapet and saw to his horror the vague heap of a body ; he scrambled down the bank but as he approached , the vision slowly faded , there was no one there .
20 She yawned sleepily and slipped down the bank to the water 's edge to wash her face with her paws .
21 The dogfood rolled down the bank and PLOONK ! into the water .
22 She scampered down the bank after the dog .
23 Cross the stile , go down the bank , carry on down , over the next stile and across the track .
24 Stock analysts have written down the bank 's net asset value by a correspondingly precise sum .
25 Suddenly , the grass around the den began to rustle and clumps of it fell down the bank .
26 They scrambled down the bank and set to nibbling beside the water .
27 The other rabbits were beginning to reach the hedge as Bigwig hopped down the bank and crouched on the verge of the road .
28 The three rabbits were returning down the bank of the stream and had not yet seen Hazel and the others .
29 He nodded , not understanding why she should want it , but took it from his pocket and , edging down the bank , reached out and handed it to her , watching as she unscrewed the top , transforming it into a tiny cutting tool .
30 Without waiting for the others he plunged down the bank into the stream , slipping and slithering heedlessly over the protruding roots and rocks .
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