Example sentences of "[verb] unless [art] " in BNC.

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1 Total exports must pay for total imports , and if a country 's exports fall then imports will also fall unless the deficiency in exports can be made good in the ways specified .
2 Purists would argue that type can not be intelligently designed unless the creator understands the calligraphic origin of the thin and broad parts of most typefaces .
3 Dangerous animals do not attack unless an individual has made this possible through his or her incorrect behaviour .
4 What is clear is that civic or community pride — essential if urban decline is not to turn into urban collapse — and the view of local government as an honourable profession , can not survive unless the public service which local authorities provide rests on principles of local democracy .
5 Local authority grants for improving homes to a good standard are at the authority 's discretion , but houses built after 1961 are not normally considered unless the applicant is disabled .
6 Whilst uncertainty about the volume and growth of defence spending is unlikely to be resolved unless the Soviet regime changes its character , few would dispute that the military 's traditional claim on resources has been a major burden on the civilian economy .
7 An amendment then added unless the ball has been played or touched by the other side .
8 This does not need replenishing unless the surface is very hard ( quartzite or chert ) .
9 ( 2 ) The following classes of cases are usually not subject to the doctrine : ( a ) those which include a restraint which does not involve the convenantor in giving up a freedom which he would otherwise have enjoyed unless the restraint creates a positive duty to do something which restricts his freedom during the period of its operation ; ( b ) those which , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations ; and ( c ) those in which the purpose and nature of the restraint is coterminous with the purpose of the contract .
10 It is our belief that the idea of a grammar as a theory , subject at every point to testing and criticism , is difficult to establish unless the student is in a position to contrast it with another .
11 But whoever is to blame , the residents say unless the police do something quick they 're faced with a miserable summer .
12 City say unless the Football Association take appropriate action , they will pursue the case through the courts .
13 And the pensioners say unless the government takes action to plug it , Maxwell even in death will always have a stranglehold over their lives .
14 ‘ Where they die unless the conditions are suitable , ’ Lucy said .
15 The infamous Article 49.3 allows the government to declare a bill a matter of confidence , in which case no further debate on it is permitted and the bill is automatically adopted unless a motion of no confidence is tabled and passed within two days .
16 A certificate of conviction may be taken as proof that an offence has been committed by the person named unless the contrary is proved ( Civil Evidence Act 1971 , s11 ) .
17 It is an important week for the club and an expensive one for fans , who are certain to pick and choose unless the club make a cut-price gesture .
18 At this stage the parties can request an oral hearing which will be granted unless the appeal is an obvious winner or loser .
19 Hambros Jersey contended that the jurisdiction conferred by this rule can only properly be exercised by analogy to R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , so that leave should not be granted unless the case falls within one of the paragraphs of Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) .
20 The warrant is not granted unless the proposed works are in accordance with the appropriate building regulations .
21 When wood begins to fail in compression little lines of buckled fibres can just be seen running diagonally or across the grain but these are easily missed unless the surface is clean and you know what to look for .
22 Western diplomats believe that the Islamic movement will grow unless the economic crisis , caused in large part by the Gulf war , is resolved and some progress is made in peace talks with Israel .
23 ( 2 ) That no stay was to be imposed unless a defendant established on the balance of probabilities that , owing to the delay , he would suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial could be held , in that the continuation of the prosecution amounted to a misuse of the process of the court ; that , in assessing whether there was likely to be prejudice and if so whether it could properly be described as serious , the court should bear in mind the trial judge 's power at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence , the trial process itself which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay would be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , and the judge 's powers to give appropriate directions before the jury considered their verdict ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's decision to stay the proceedings had been wrong , since such delay as there had been was not unjustifiable , the chances of prejudice were remote , the degree of potential prejudice was small , the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the police officer , there was no danger of the trial being unfair and in any event the case was not exceptional so as to justify the ruling ( post , p. 19B–E ) .
24 In answer to the second question posed by the Attorney-General , no stay should be imposed unless the defendant shows on the balance of probabilities that owing to the delay he will suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial can be held : in other words , that the continuance of the prosecution amounts to a misuse of the process of the court .
25 ‘ In answer to the second question posed by the Attorney-General , no stay should be imposed unless the defendant shows on the balance of probabilities that owing to the delay he will suffer prejudice to the extent that no fair trial can be held : in other words , that the continuance of the prosecution amounts to a misuse of the process of the court .
26 Percutaneous aspiration cytology has been reported as confirming malignancy in about two thirds of pancreatic cancers and one half of bile duct tumours but can not be done unless a mass lesion is established on imaging .
27 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
28 It may not be necessary for all cars always to stop at a red light at a crossroads , but to have any other rule , such as ‘ stop when reasonable to do so ’ , or ‘ stop unless the road is clear ’ , invites chaos .
29 No physical remedy could succeed unless the spiritual remedy had first been applied .
30 ‘ Education is a matter of wide interest and shared responsibility ’ but innovation would never succeed unless the ‘ professional judgement ’ of all who worked with children were harnessed .
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