Example sentences of "[verb] whatever [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But we have to do everything we can to find whatever it was he gave to Tristram before October the eleventh . ’
2 He pawed at the Daily Telegraph but failed to find whatever he was looking for and lit a cigarette instead .
3 Well , er , if you did , then if you were looking for something , you could n't find where it was , you know , you 'd have to delve in , and you take ages to find whatever you 're looking for .
4 What I do know is that it is disgraceful and defamatory to label as stooges the people from the Borough Community Relations Council who gave up a day 's work to act as observers , and who have made it clear that they would have reported whatever they had seen , good or bad for police .
5 If she wants whatever it is she gets out of this relationship , no one can deny she 's entitled to it .
6 While I 'm paying for your time , we 'll discuss whatever I think necessary , ’ and if that was n't enough to send her temper soaring , ‘ So , for a start , you can begin by telling me why , when I know as fact that two men at least hang their hat up in your home , you 're so intent — the glasses , the schoolmarm hairstyle — on living up to the Miss Frostbite label they 've pinned on you here ? ’
7 Please send whatever you can .
8 All the family were enjoying life , and even Maureen seemed to have forgotten whatever it was that troubled her and to be quietly happy again .
9 It was over as soon as it had happened , and as he turned in panic he could see that in reality she was exactly as before … except that she was looking at him now in a way that was more detached , stepping back as if to observe whatever he was going to do next .
10 They sometimes fancy they pick up the voices of the past , answering their prayers , and after presenting their gifts of flowers and fruit , they come away filled with hope that the great loas have agreed to grant whatever they were being implored to do .
11 er it 's always been er guaranteed i.e. if a customer was not satisfied , then one hundred percent we will rectify whatever it is they 're not satisfied with .
12 Christopher , who was a friend of my father 's , had the kiln brought here from my father 's workplace miles away , and said he 'd buy whatever I produced .
13 ‘ I hope you have n't caught whatever it was I had . ’
14 Ashley stopped whatever he had been going to say next with a humourless laugh .
15 The following night the same sound disturbed his normally peaceful night-shift and as he could find no logical explanation he decided to accept whatever it was , but resolved to keep the mystery to himself to avoid the ridicule of his workmates .
16 Did n't mean you not to write whatever I said .
17 ‘ Then forget whatever it is , Kate , because it could n't be important … ’
18 People changed whatever they could and learned to cover their asses even more skilfully .
19 No , he 'd gone to the apartment where Mahoney and Connie lived , found whatever it was , and then paid his visit to the hospital .
20 Sgt Steve Atkinson said thieves walk in through unlocked back doors and snatch whatever they can .
21 ‘ To the well-deserving Gaius Seius I leave and wish to be granted in addition that neither from him nor from his heirs should be claimed whatever he owes me on the basis of documents or accounts or has borrowed from me or I have guaranteed for him . ’
22 If we get first division people I 'll do it a different way to him if I had to end up with second division people and the responsibilities they take on board will very much reflect that and the same surely should happen to the field sales force erm their abilities are reflected in in what sort of activities we give them and by looking at the people we have we then put together a team to most accurately attack whatever we want to do .
23 Do n't , do n't be put off by that , erm , just , you know , grab whatever you can out of it .
24 The stench from it filled our cell , making us feel nauseous and apprehensive that we , too , might catch whatever it was they were suffering from .
25 A friend who had a key let herself in and called upstairs , but I did n't want anyone to come into the bedroom because they might catch whatever it was I had .
26 The original crucifix had been much smaller , too small in fact to contain whatever it was that he was cradling in his hand .
27 Athelstan sensed that , if he had known who they were before he answered the door , he would never have let them inside , or else would have taken measures to hide whatever he had in the house .
28 Impossible to judge whether she knew or did not know whatever it was that Francis had been told , and there was nothing to be gained by turning the screw too hard .
29 Erm so therefore I would say in er theory er my understanding would be that yes we could know whatever you wanted to know about particular fields like every two o'clock over a period of a year or whatever .
30 You have spent most of your day sitting in your office while I , from seven o'clock this morning until ten tonight , have been at the beck and call of two old women ; I have seen to the needs of my child , and in between times I have cooked the meals and done whatever I could towards keeping this mausoleum clean . ’
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