Example sentences of "[verb] lead [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Crime , vandalism and delinquency are confined to a minority , handful they said , in a district where the majority of folk want to lead decent lives in peace and quiet .
2 They delight to lead human beings astray ( Matthew 24:24 ; John 8:44 ) .
3 Indeed it 's the complexity of the two units and their additional protein skimmers , U/V units and other extras that has led New Wave 's Geoff Saunders to seek out a distribution network of high-quality shops and shop owners who can really sell and explain the virtues of the system .
4 Nigeria has led African countries in banning the importation of waste from industrialized countries .
5 Psychoanalysis 's incompatibility with many aspects of feminism has led contemporary western feminists to be selective in their use of it .
6 During the Crimean War and in the years immediately before Emancipation , peasant disturbances reached a level which has led Soviet historians to identify the period as Russia 's first ‘ revolutionary situation ’ .
7 The denial of the communist era has led political forces in central and eastern Europe in two general directions .
8 In those study of deviance ; a belief that the family is the only important vehicle of reward and realization for women has led to a distortion of their role in the stratification system ; and an unspoken devaluation of female types of power as trivial and insignificant has led political sociology towards a one-sided examination of formal constraint- and authority-systems .
9 Their importance in the politics of that country has led political scientists to propound a modification of the theory of representative government in which the weakness of the individual voter , discussed on pages 54–57 , is seen as compensated by his or her membership of interest groups .
10 Perhaps it is this sense of impotence — and the sense that English 's image of ‘ effeminacy ’ or ‘ femininity ’ makes it appear unimportant-that has led postwar literary theoretical movements to espouse ideals of ‘ objectivity ’ and ‘ scientificity ’ .
11 As a consequence , casual workers are not covered by employment protection legislation , and this in turn has led casual working to be described as " precarious " employment in much socio-legal writing .
12 Precise definition of what is and is not a legitimate purpose is probably not possible , but the fact that we live in a competitive or acquisitive society has led English law , for better or worse , to adopt the test of self-interest or selfishness as being capable of justifying the deliberate doing of lawful acts which inflict harm .
13 G. M. Young did not contest this judgment , which has led subsequent biographers to attempt elaborate textual exegesis in order to show that Baldwin 's remarks were venial because he was referring to a hypothetical election in 1933 or 1934 , and not to the actual one in 1935 .
14 I am afraid that I can not accept the reasoning which has led subsequent Divisional Courts to limit the ambit of that decision : Benson 's case , the Divisional Court in the present case , and Reg. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Walsh , The Times , 18 December 1991 .
15 It is the attempt to deal with the choice as a formal rather than contextual issue which has led pedagogic grammarians into such easily flawed formulations of rules .
16 The failure at national level to recognise the need for initial training qualifications for community languages has led local education authorities and schools to deploy teachers whose initial qualification has been gained in a main subject other than the language which they are not asked to promote .
17 You will find a full list of our petrol stations serving lead free petrol in the Tesco Unleaded Petrol leaflet .
18 Peres pledged to lead Labour in militant opposition to the ruling Likud of Itzhak Shamir , saying : " The struggle now is for a credible peace process . "
19 The couple begin to lead separate lives and for the first time there is public concern over the marriage .
20 One argument says that mammals only began to grow larger when they no longer needed to lead furtive , skulking lives , hiding in crannies to avoid the fearsome dinosaurs .
21 ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ has produced certain children who may begin to lead normal lives there are a high percentage of children to whom this technique is not available or suitable and this is why in my mind continuation of ‘ total communication ’ should be preferable .
22 The engine is indeed a P6 engine and as with all Rover V8 engines may run lead free .
23 For example , it did little to improve parents ' view of teachers when schools in one local authority were told to implement a policy aiming to lead young children to an understanding of such things as lesbianism and homosexuality .
24 For a short time they began to lead normal , fun-loving lives .
25 Excise duty in most countries is lower for unleaded than 4-star , so some garages are allegedly buying lead free at a lower rate of tax and selling it on to customers as leaded .
26 With religious leaders continuing to lead anti-government protests [ see p. 38804 ] , a pro-democracy rally condemned as " subversive " by the government was banned on Aug. 29 because of " security regulations " .
27 Aged only 53 , he was already the country 's longest-serving Prime Minister , having led successive coalition governments since 1982 .
28 Money for stolen art investigation may have led Russian to his death
29 The main track on which they were travelling led due west for a while and then turned slightly north .
30 Recent tests by Rover have shown that , on the four cylinder car engines not designed to run lead free , valve seat regression still occurs when using Carbonflo and lead free fuel .
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