Example sentences of "[verb] around [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He swam around in the cold plunge for five minutes to close his pores , then towelled himself vigorously before jumping on the scales in the rest room .
2 If you live in a low-lying area where there are ponds and canals , there may be plenty of mosquitoes and gnats around in summer .
3 Very little guidance is given to students , who enrol ( with some exceptions ) in the subject of their choice and shift around at will , taking around six years to complete their first degree .
4 And you think your poor Aunt Becky should maybe ruin her back twisting around to hand you things every two minutes ? ’
5 Instead what seems to have happened is that groups of adults have sat around in various political and educational ivory towers , deciding in an arbitrary and subjective manner what they think a 14-year-old should be able to achieve .
6 How many times have you faced the glares of your fellow shoppers in supermarkets as you struggle to pack your bags with one hand and write a cheque with the other , or fumble around for cash to pay for your goods .
7 I fumble around for the rest of my kit and fall over Shelagh , who is shining a torch gingerly in one of her boots .
8 This passage reveals concern for the points of the compass when clipping was in progress as the shepherd moved around under the tree to avoid the rays of the sun .
9 He moved around to the back of the house , and then ducked in to the laneway that ran behind it .
10 She moved around to the other side of the desk .
11 This means that the player and the monitor can be kept together and moved around as one unit .
12 The sensation moved around inside her , filling her up , shuffling , searching , passing through to leave her sick and trembling and curiously empty .
13 ’ For five minutes the two engineers moved around in the steam and smoke , and looked at the big engines .
14 Culley moved around in the small space close to the window .
15 And then on Monday morning things moved around in his head and he started drinking quite a lot , a ] so for Sam 's sake , to toast the victory of seeing him once more and to say a damn to caution .
16 Pepys moved around from public places to coffee houses and taverns hoping to do business .
17 ‘ I found a flea market in Holborn and was walking around for three hours .
18 Quite apart from the blunder there was one moment near the end of the game when he was walking around on the stage of Sadler 's Wells , unaware for a few minutes that it was his move .
19 Not from the beach — I think the salt there would probably kill hookworm — but in the back streets of the town , where the sewage system was n't what it might have been , and also walking around on the wooden deck of an old schooner sailing to Aldabra .
20 Yet it seems quite certain that our direct ancestors were walking around on two feet with an upright posture like our own at least four million years ago and no creature in the non-human line of descent seems ever to have done that .
21 ‘ One look from those eyes when someone had displeased him and we 'd all be walking around on eggshells .
22 Because you 're always walking around with that bloody notebook writing everything down , and you 're not getting anywhere near the truth …
23 I have a feeling now , as if I 'm walking around with a sign on my back saying ‘ Kick me ’ , or ‘ I 'm a prat ’ , the sort of horrible joke kids play on each other , because I feel as though that 's exactly how people treat me .
24 I was walking around with a camera and binoculars right on top of their nuclear silos .
25 Name any one person you know who 's walking around with one lung . ’
26 They moved into a flat in Bellevue Crescent , had a dog ( called ‘ Badger ’ , like the family dog in the book ) and wore moth eaten fur coats , walking around with the dog on a piece of string , rolling their own cigarettes ( a habit which has stuck ) and spending hours in the pub drinking scrumpy .
27 If you practised walking around with the model in the hover , you should have got the hang of this already .
28 It 's sad to have to be so cynical but if the price of safety is walking around with your eyes lowered and avoiding potentially dangerous situations , such as lifts home with near strangers , it has to be done .
29 I was just walking around with a huge grin on my face .
30 Or walking around with their clo without their clothes on or putting toast in the kettle .
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