Example sentences of "[verb] understand how " in BNC.

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1 But equally , Gale gives no indication that he himself has understood how obviously ridiculous Lamarck 's theories of physics and chemistry were in his own day — and it was on these that his theory of evolution was based .
2 Many of the quite commonplace products of modern technology might as well be magic , for all that any normal person could be expected to understand how they work .
3 As a result of my union work , I 've come to understand how I am linked to a chain too .
4 To understand the AL of communicating one has to understand how people relate to each other .
5 One way of defining the middle classes is to try to understand how they kept themselves morally distinct from the lower orders .
6 In gaol he refused to try to understand how he came to be there and during the years of his imprisonment spent much time sobbing in his cell as a desperately hurt child sobs .
7 Nevertheless , if we are to try to understand how the Universe works , we should pay as much attention to its death as to its birth .
8 Nevertheless , there must be some feature which distinguishes the production of knowledge from that of political slogans , for example ; and we have to try to understand how the real object is transformed into the thought object .
9 In order to discover how such inferences are made , we will need firstly to examine the range of possible functions of language , and secondly to try to understand how people correctly interpret them .
10 In order to discover how such inferences are made , we will need firstly to examine the range of possible functions of language , and secondly to try to understand how people correctly interpret them .
11 The study will also collect data from a small sample of next of kin of those who have died or entered residential care to try to understand how these events affected the network and how family and friends cope with crises .
12 It will seek to understand how people are influenced by ideas of ‘ healthy ’ eating , and how such ideas are translated into practice .
13 IF we want to understand how later life was in the past through direct experience , we have three possible sources .
14 We simply want to understand how they do so .
15 I want to understand how it works .
16 I now want to understand how it achieves its own behaviour , in terms of its own internal parts .
17 right , now if you want to understand how to tie down , you just need to look at one or two tied in lines , and then you can , you can add , oh you can add your main lines what I 'm trying to say is , when it comes to , when it comes to , when it comes to , when it comes to selling , there 's a lot more than just what might you 've got , right , see I mean , I see for instance , you 've probably , you probably do n't , you probably do n't , you probably do n't go along right quite often right , people will buy what products can do with them , they do n't buy the products , are you with me ?
18 I want to understand how constrained they feel .
19 Tony felt that one important factor had been the change in his father 's attitude so that he now seemed to understand how he felt .
20 More investigations are needed to understand how the imbalance came about , even though the way it is maintained seems clear .
21 Secondly it is essential that learning establishments begin to understand how organisational adaptability occurs .
22 I said , ‘ If I do n't understand why , I begin to understand how . ’
23 Trip backwards and sidewards through time , visit Ireland , the peculiar mix of quaint lost tradition , British influence , agricultural aggression and continental modernism , you can begin to understand how come Geldof is so paranoiac , persecuted , wretched .
24 So , if hearing people are told that deaf people are ‘ disabled ’ or ‘ sick ’ — a layperson 's view which is widespread in the system surrounding the deaf individual — they can never begin to understand how they themselves may be disabling deaf people or can be the source of the infection .
25 Video machines are complex bits of technology and most of us do n't begin to understand how their electronic innards work .
26 In that time we have found out how it is produced , how it is metabolized and , now that its receptor has been cloned , we are beginning to understand how it acts to release calcium .
27 Now I was beginning to understand how difficult and dangerous political life can be .
28 Even if you do n't go into consumer public relations which has an immediate relationship to selling , you will get to know the public as a consumer , get to understand how business is done , what product selling points are all about , and finally , learn how to sell yourself .
29 ‘ Well , I think I 'm just getting to understand how you two operate .
30 From then on he began to understand how difficult it is to control spastic muscles .
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