Example sentences of "[verb] forward a " in BNC.

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1 Edouard looked up in surprise , and the boy eagerly drew forward a chair .
2 Then she seated herself opposite him , and drew forward a small table , on which were two packs of cards .
3 Having said this , we are in no doubt that CCW has a crucial ‘ catalytic ’ role to play in driving forward a major new initiative on environmental education .
4 The train moved forward a few yards and stopped .
5 Fortunately , the corner hedge of an adjacent field was in a direct line with the site , so I moved forward a few paces , switched on my metal detector and started swinging it in an arc before me .
6 The Luggage yawned , and moved forward a fraction of an inch .
7 So , so , he looked , he looked round at me , he looked at the the other group waiting in front and he was , he flashed his lights at them so that , they realised what was going on by then , they moved forward a bit , I moved back a bit and he just had enough room he reversed right up close to me and then got out but he just had enough room to get out , and since then I wo n't park over the driveway up there , cos you can bet your life the one driveway along that road and you parked in front is the one that somebody wants to get into .
8 CHERYL had not looked forward a bit to her holiday .
9 You 've got to stand forward a little bit more , have n't you ?
10 When Annie signalled to take the motorway exit just below Kendal , Ellwood had pushed forward a little , leaving only three vehicles between them at the intersection .
11 Though fascist candidates put forward a strong campaign in the London County Council elections of March 1937 , their six candidates for the three two-member divisions of Bethnal Green North East , Shoreditch and Limehouse were defeated and they received less than 20 per cent of the vote .
12 Two years ago , the Dutch Prime Minister , Ruud Lubbers , put forward a plan to reduce the number of cars on the road to fewer than 4 million .
13 They put forward a number of suggestions .
14 By 1978 British Rail and the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français ( SNC ) had started planning a single track rail tunnel for through rail services , commonly known as the Mousehole , and they put forward a plan to the governments in 1979 .
15 In France invasion was in the air at court and anyone who put forward a promising scheme was sure of an audience .
16 In November 1987 Tony Higton , the rector of Hawkwell in Essex , put forward a motion to General Synod which reaffirmed the
17 At the next Scottish Liberal Party Council meeting I put forward a motion that Home Rule should be the principal aim and object of our policy and that in Scottish domestic matters all other issues should be considered in relation to it .
18 So at the SLP 's next annual conference I put forward a resolution that talks be opened with them with a view to supporting each other in seats where one or the other of us stood a chance of winning ; and to this end arranged a meeting between Jo Grimond and the SNP leader , Billy Wolfe .
19 Holzner ( 1972 ) put forward a theoretical position for the sociology of knowledge that has many similarities with that of Berger and Luckmann — both texts derive their conception of ‘ everyday life ’ from Schutz .
20 In 1985 , Lord Cockfield , the British Commissioner , put forward a detailed white paper to abolish physical , technical and fiscal barriers in order to create a single integrated market throughout the twelve member states .
21 ‘ The traditional British way of doing things in international sporting bodies is to go to the body and put forward a sensible , fair and balanced objective and assume then that everybody will vote for it .
22 Evangelical propaganda was thus able to achieve a sharp impact : while evangelicals like James Plumptree and Thomas Bowdler produced expurgated songs and literature , evangelical intellectuals like William Wilberforce , Hannah More and others such as Thornton and Stephen associated in the Clapham sect set up as moulders of a new ideology of domesticity , which not only proposed the family as a Christian haven in a disrupted world , but put forward a code of rules and regulations for the governing of individual lives .
23 Thus when Henry II , as overlord , claimed the wardship of the Deols heiress , her relatives put forward a counterclaim : the wardship more properly belonged to them , they said , as her kinsmen .
24 In 1981 , for example , the West German and Italian foreign ministers , Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Emilio Colombo , put forward a Plan to strengthen and restructure the EC .
25 For example , Adorno 's Frankfurt School colleague , Walter Benjamin , put forward a more optimistic view of the potentials of the productive forces within advanced capitalism ; this will be discussed in the next chapter .
26 Erm some people put forward a very strong argument for legalizing it .
27 The Modern Architectural Research Group ( MARS ) of London architects put forward a scheme in 1938 for the total renewal of London on radical lines , but it was a futurist fantasy .
28 In these negotiations , we put forward a series of proposals designed to be of direct benefit to the European citizen .
29 In the face of the dreadful attacks on police officers , the Home Office should have put together an urgent review team which should have incorporated other Departments and put forward a package of measures .
30 On Dec. 9 King Hussein of Jordan , who had met Saddam Hussein on Dec. 4 , put forward a peace plan based on the simultaneous settlement of the Iraq-Kuwait dispute and the Arab-Israeli conflict .
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