Example sentences of "[verb] put them " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Lord ’ has put them to rout .
2 In effect , Ayer has put them in a ghetto and they are happy to remain there , content to be making statements of nonsense in the assurance that what to the believer are the words of God must necessarily appear to the unbeliever mere gobbledygook .
3 Our mountains have survived for millions of years , bearing witness to a history of violent , volcanic activity , glaciation and erosion , but ironically it 's the invention of the internal combustion engine and lightweight waterproof clothing that has put them under the most severe pressure yet .
4 Their defeat of Grange ‘ D ’ has put them in an unassailable position and they will return to division two after a season 's absence .
5 The florist came up earlier but she was asleep , and he did n't even come into the room , just put his head round the door and left her some flowers ; the night nurse has put them out in the corridor .
6 Until recently they were thought to be primitive primates but now science has put them firmly among the insectivores .
7 The Greeks , in short , are back where history has put them before , on the fringe of the western world 's concern .
8 He is amazed by the complex destiny which has put them before each other like this , two solid independent creatures face to face , two selves , with a common background and a common source of reference in Goethe 's Faust .
9 For example , monies could be restricted because the governing body has put them aside for a specific purpose , such as for renewal of a fleet of cars .
10 However the cost of such systems has put them out of reach of most firms , particularly if the use will only be sporadic .
11 And she has been so taken by her findings she has put them all down on paper .
12 Well , whenever women are at a disadvantage it is usually because somebody has put them there .
13 Shannon , constantly mopping her feverish forehead , is , like the giant lizard tied up and thrashing under the floorboards , at the end of his rope , and the party of Texan school teachers he is leading on a ‘ tour of God 's world ’ are incensed about his having put them up in flea-bag hotels and fallen into bed with the teenage student they have brought along .
14 Right , having put them under the banner , clear banner of sales you know
15 ‘ He told me he was round Madge 's this morning — He might have put them back — in her cardi pocket or somewhere .
16 Eric Brown and Christy O'Connor also needed par-4s at the last and that would have put them into a playoff with each other .
17 It could be only a very moderate charge , in the darkness , since any gallop could have put them into dire trouble over unseen obstacles , whinbushes , ditches and the like .
18 The Minoans seem to have been self-sufficient in terms of basic needs , which must have put them in a position of trading strength , but they relied on imports for supplies of exotic raw materials for the manufacture of luxury goods .
19 You must have put them in your bag .
20 If their historical interest had saved them from the pick , the swinging steel ball , and the bulldozer , their intractable lay-out had discouraged renovators who might have put them to some use .
21 All in all , it is in no way surprising that Nietzsche should have put them to one side soon after writing them at the turn of the year .
22 Who could have put them there ?
23 In the intimidating atmosphere of the Mararios Stadium they silenced the partisan crowd with an early goal and then came so close to getting a second which would surely have put them through to a money spinning meeting with Paris St Germaine .
24 Well you should n't have put them there should you ?
25 No , mum said if they 'd have come erm , she 'd have put them in the bathroom .
26 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
27 with , he 'd have put them on one side and said
28 I would 've put them on the same level in all honesty
29 It appears to have put them off . ’
30 The house was fall of memories ; but even to call them memories was to imply that Jack had put them behind him ; and he had not .
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